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Issues With A Bully?

Issues With A Bully?


Rockstar Apologizes For And Is Working On 360 Bully

Now that I’ve suckered you into the article, time to mess you up. I’ll try not to mess you up as bad as Rockstar has made it seem that they have messed up. Apparently their testing and QA department didn’t catch all of the bugs in the game before release. Let me list them for you:

  • Serious frame rate issues
  • Audio glitches
  • Freezing

At least those are the ones reported thus far. Sam Houser had this to say about the whole things to boot.

“We have just become aware of the issues people are having with Bully Scholarship Edition on Xbox 360. It appears that some older 360s are experiencing frame rate issues, freezes and other problems. You have our word that we never experienced any of this in QA — in any of our offices or at Microsoft. I am horrified, and we are now working around the clock to rectify this situation. Thanks to Neo-Gaf for bringing this matter to our attention. We love our games and put a huge amount of energy and care into making them all that they can be. We would never shove anything out the door — we never have and never will. We apologize to everyone affected for the inconvenience.

Respectfully, Sam Houser”

At least they are not trying to place the blame else where, for the most part. Sam makes it seem like they are doing everything possible to get this fixed in a timely manner. I’d say hold off on picking this one up until they iron out all the kinks though. No point having to deal with what Activision is doing to the Wii Guitar Heroes of NA.

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