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It Is That Snowy Time Of The Year In Planet Zoo

It Is That Snowy Time Of The Year In Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo

The new Arctic Pack for Planet Zoo is here and adding in all of the snowy animals one would want in Planet Zoo

Things are getting cold out there and that means it is the right time for the next expansion for Planet Zoo to be released. Given that it is the Arctic Pack that will add a bunch of the snow and colder climate animals into the mix, it is fitting for the time of year. Not that Frontier Developments was aiming just for that, but it is fitting and will carry along after as it also adds in some new narratives and areas of the world to build zoos in. Thus further expanding Planet Zoo into a full world and not just select biomes and locations. Just as one would expect here on the PC right now.

In this new expansion, we are going to see both Norway and Mexico added in to Planet Zoo for us to build in. Norway makes sense as most of the new animals will fit in and Mexico added to give us the extra challenge to keep these colder climate creatures alive and happy. It is not often that you would see a Polar Bear, Arctic Wolf, and a Reindeer in that hot of a climate. The Dall Sheep are a bit more likely, but I am sure they will have the same challenge in Planet Zoo just to keep things interesting. Have a look at the new animals and locations in the latest trailer. Then pick up the expansion if you want to add these little beasts in on the fun.

Planet Zoo — Arctic Pack

Are you ready for an ice-cold adventure in a wintery wonderland? Join Bernie Goodwin in two new chilling Scenarios as you tackle the challenges of the northern hemisphere. With over 200 new building, scenery, and foliage pieces there’s also lots to get creative with!

And of course, Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack features four brand new animals to take care of: the Reindeer, Arctic Wolf, Dall Sheep, and Polar Bear all come with new challenges and specific needs — be sure to check the Zoopedia for tips on how to keep them happy and healthy.

Dall Sheep

  • Native to north-western North America, ranging from white to slate brown in colour and having curved, yellowish-brown horns
  • The sheep inhabit the subarctic mountain ranges of Alaska, the Yukon Territory, the Mackenzie Mountains in the western Northwest Territories, and central and northern British Columbia
  • Dall sheep are found in relatively dry country and try to stay in a special combination of open alpine ridges, meadows, and steep slopes with extremely rugged ground in the immediate vicinity, to allow escape from predators that cannot travel quickly through such terrain.

Polar Bear

  • The polar bear is a large species of bear that lives in the Arctic Circle and the Sub Arctic. Their coat is completely white, with dark eyes and a dark nose
  • Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world
  • Polar bears do not need to drink as they can produce water through digesting seal blubber
  • With the exception of a mother with her cubs, polar bears are solitary

Arctic Wolf

  • Arctic wolves, also known as white wolves, are a large canid species that live in Northern Canada and Greenland. They are large pack predators that feed mainly on muskoxen and arctic hares, although they may also eat foxes, birds and bear cubs as well as scavenge carrion.
  • Arctic wolves are larger and stockier than other species of wolves to enable them to withstand the harsh conditions in which they live
  • Arctic wolves can withstand temperatures as low as –53oC


  • The reindeer is a species of ungulate that lives throughout the Arctic and Sub Arctic
  • The appearance of reindeer changes depending on where they are from and the time of year, but generally they have a brown and white coat and face with a white underside and muzzle, often with darker coloration on the snout.
  • The North American reindeer (caribou) migrates up to 5000km, the furthest of any land mammal
  • The most mature and dominant reindeer stags have the largest antlers


  • Players will head over to the Scandinavian fjords of Norway to build up a remote animal sanctuary, bringing new Arctic animals to their zoo, tending to their needs, and ensuring their habitats are suitable


  • Players will expand on an existing zoo that’s looking to bring a touch of frost to its guests, while learning how to keep native Arctic animals comfortable in a challenging hot climate

How excited are you to see that these animals are added in to Planet Zoo now and will you be looking to add them into your current builds? Do you think it is going to be too difficult to keep them happy in the warmer climates or will it be just as possible as it is in the real world? What do you want to see added in next as well as where? Let us all know down in the comments. When there is a new update for Planet Zoo, I will add it to the site for you. Just be sure to keep your eyes open for all of that soon.

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