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It Is Time For The Ultimate Heist In Borderlands 3

It Is Time For The Ultimate Heist In Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3

The next DLC for Borderlands 3 is coming and we will be facing off with one of Borderlands’ more iconic villains yet again

Just in time for the holidays, we are going to be getting the next big DLC for Borderlands 3 to play and enjoy. This time we get to take on Moxxi’s Heist Of The Handsome Jackpot and it kind of sounds like what we would expect it to be. Not that Gearbox cannot keep us on our toes, but here we have a whole new story bit of DLC to play and enjoy on December 19th on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The usual culprits for the Borderlands fun for now. Hopefully, you have the season pass or someone who loves you enough to buy the pack to enjoy by the warmth of a crackling fire.

That all said, this new DLC aims to offer up a whole new story mission in Borderlands 3 that will take us into the casino that Handsome Jack built and upset Moxxi in the mix. We will get to fight our way through all the Hyperion forces and everyone else that is having fun in this casino. All so we can get more loot in Borderlands 3 and make one of our allies a bit happier. You know, those old classic gems in video games. I am sure there will be some more hidden fun mixed in too, but for now, have a look at the trailer and the little bit released so far. December 19th is not too far off. So that is a good thing here.

Borderlands 3 — Moxxi’s Heist Of The Handsome Jackpot

Ready for the biggest score of your loot-hunting career? Moxxi has just the job for you, sugar: a good old-fashioned heist. Join her crew of ragtag “experts,” battle your way through Hyperion security forces and crazed casino-goers, and claim The Handsome Jackpot’s vault of loot for yourself.

Is this the DLC for Borderlands 3 you have been waiting for or will it be another by-the-numbers kind of mission with a little bit more of the humor? Are you glad to be seeing this villain back in action yet again or should he be put to rest once and for all? Do you think we will find some fun mini-games mixed into it all or will we be left with a run-and-gun thing and not much more? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When there is more to share for Borderlands 3, we will share it all here. Be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and more.

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