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It Is Time To Class-Up With A Few For Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

It Is Time To Class-Up With A Few For Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Two of the classes for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands get a highlight so we can start planning to enter the Wonderlands

Let us all get our sneaky-sneak on in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands with the showing of two of the playable classes in the game. At least one of them is sneaky-sneak with the Stabbomancer class. The other being the Brr-Zerker, which is the exact opposite of that with the smashy-smash of it all. To use the terms that Gearbox has given us here for the Wonderlands, so we will keep going with it all until March 25th when it drops on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. We do need to start planning our paths out there now as we do for all good tabletop games we play.

As you will be able to see, in Wonderlands, we have the Stabbomancer that looks to be the rogue and assassin type of character in the adventure. They come with all of the stealth and backstab attacks out there. Most of which look exactly as you would think they would and have in the various other titles out there, just with the Borderlands feel to it all. Then we have the Brr-Zerker that is a barbarian type character in the Wonderlands that looks to do Ice damage at the same time while spinning around in the game quite a bit. I do hope that the cooldown for the abilities mixes in some kind of dizziness comments for the character. If not adding some kind of overlay to indicate that things are not perfect still.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands — Welcome To Wonderlands #1: Stabbomancer & Brr-Zerker


Pick your first class 👇

Do you want to be 🤺 sneaky sneaky 🤺 with the STABBOMANCER or ❄ SMASHY SMASHY ❄ with the Brr-Zerker

Be Chaotic Great!

Embark on an epic adventure full of whimsy, wonder, and high-powered weaponry! Bullets, magic, and broadswords collide across this chaotic fantasy world brought to life by the unpredictable Tiny Tina.

Roll your own multiclass hero and loot, shoot, slash, and cast your way through outlandish monsters and loot-filled dungeons on a quest to stop the tyrannical Dragon Lord. Everyone’s welcome, so join the party, throw on your adventuring boots, and be Chaotic Great!

Which of these classes for Wonderlands is speaking to you or will you need to see the others out there to be able to choose? Do you think each one will have a base element linked to them all the time or will we be able to swap as we can in their other games out there? Who do you think will be voicing the specific characters in this game or will we be able to make that a choice too? Tell us what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you wish. We will keep sharing all that we can for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, so be sure to keep checking back and be Chaotic Great with us all.

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