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It Is Time To Find Out More For Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II

It Is Time To Find Out More For Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II

A new tease for Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is here with one more look at the insanity Hellblade II will dive into

Another big game Xbox Showcase has gone down and it would not be one without seeing a bit of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 mixed right in. Not that Ninja Theory has not already dropped some awesome stuff out there during other gaming events, but it feels like this is going to be one of those need-to-have titles on the Xbox Series X|S and PC when it does land. I still wish that it was not going to be an exclusive on the console side of things given my love of Hellblade before now, but nothing is going to change that any time soon. So, for now, we are going to hop on in and see just what we were offered up out there for this title.

It is interesting with all we have had for Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II before now, all we have to share is a long little cinematic trailer for the game. It does show off some fun looks at the motion and facial capture that the team has been working on, but if you did not know there was more to the game than just walking around spooky areas, that would be an easy takeaway from it all. If you are just now catching what you can for Hellblade II, there is some action and combat mixed in with a very engaging story. A story where our titular character also happens to suffer from mental illness in the mix of all of the other weirdness in the world. No, what you are about to see is not all just in her head. Only part of it is.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II — The Senua Trailer

Sink deep into the next chapter of Senua’s story with this showcase of cinematic immersion, beautifully realized visuals, and encapsulating sound. Captured on Xbox Series X. Best viewed wearing headphones.

Speaking of that mental illness part of the Hellblade IP, this little look does make it sound as if there is the possibility of that getting fixed here. There is a lot of talk about integration and building everything together from the voices we hear in the mix. Depending on how things go, we might get to see Senua fully integrated back in. Something that could spell the end of it all as some of the core gameplay mechanics are also tied to the voices but Microsoft would be daft to do that so short after picking up such an amazing developer. Speculation over for now and we can just hope to see more of all of this as we wait for Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II to fully launch next year.

Were you expecting something more for Hellblade II after all of the other hype or does this just serve as a reminder that the game is still coming? Could we see some integration and curing of the mental illness for the character or is that just me reading into things more than I should? Could the game go on if we removed the voices in Senua’s head or would that detract from what the game was originally setting out to do in the industry? Take all of those thoughts down to the comment section and let the discussion flow out. We should have more for Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 soon, so keep a close eye on all of our socials to get those updates when they go live.

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