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It Is Time To Run For The Release Of Escape From Naraka

It Is Time To Run For The Release Of Escape From Naraka

Escape From Naraka

Escape From Naraka is finally out there to show off more of the environments that Escape From Naraka lifted from the real world

We have had it on here many times now, and now we can all kick back and enjoy what Escape From Naraka has to offer up for us. That is, the game has launched out there and we have one more push to let the gamers know that XeloGames has put their soul into this title on the PC. This is the FPS parkour title that will have us running through parts of the game would that come from scans of the real world out there. They have been hit with a few alterations to make them work and flow better in Escape From Naraka, but that is the case in all video games to make them enjoyable. Even if some of these areas are hard to imagine being real with all of the extra that is piled on for them. Some of this looks too fantastical to be truly real in my book.

All of that aside, we have a new trailer to take in for Escape From Naraka for those that may have forgotten the game was coming or needed one more push to jump into the fun of it all. This is the one that seems to delve a bit further into the fantasy of it all but it does show off how we will have some cool abilities and powers to use as we dodge through all of the death traps out there. There are going to be a whole lot of those death traps out there in Escape From Naraka based on this trailer, so we can take all of the help we can get here. It does make me a little curious about how much of this is real and if we will ever get to see a mode that lets us run through the core scans without all of the flair all around it.

Escape From Naraka — Release

Escape From Naraka is a first-person survival platformer with exotic Balinese themes. Taking huge inspiration from Balinese legends and local mythologies, the game makes you platforming your way through a nightmarish temple. Every level will challenge you through several themed platforms, all giving you new trials to complete. You will have to master the arts of dodging and timing to be able to survive. What are you waiting for?

  • Exotic Balinese themed levels full of platforming challenges, traps, and adversities
  • Terrifying enemies that bar your way to your freedom
  • Unique abilities that are essential for your successful escapade
  • Lots of secrets to uncover for those who are keen enough to find them
  • Leaderboards for each level and one for the whole run so you can see how you fare against others
  • 3D scan technology was used to build this unique world, in which most of the environment assets exist in real life

Are you already in for Escape From Naraka or did you need this last reminder that the game was available out there? Would you want to play a mode that is just the rough scans of the world or are you fine with all of the extra added on top? How many hidden secrets are out there in the game and will we be able to find them all in one run or will it require many? Let the world know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Escape From Naraka, know that we will share it here. Just keep tuned into the site for all of that and much, much more.

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