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It’s About Time To Suffer The Children In The Next Episode For The Walking Dead

It’s About Time To Suffer The Children In The Next Episode For The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: The Final Season

We have a new trailer for The Walking Dead: The Final Season to get us all ready for the next addition to The Walking Dead video game story

Next week we will see the continuation of the story for The Walking Dead: The Final Season and how Clementine will wrap it all up. In the usual manner for Telltale Games, we do not need to wait the full week until we get to see just where this story will be taking us and it could also bring more of another villain group to the forefront. That is if they want to keep bringing in more from the core story for The Walking Dead here. Just by looking at the basic key art here I am sure any true fan will see what is in the pipes. Maybe even more of an origin story for them as well.

It is interesting to see here that this has to be one of the shorter trailers for any of the episodes of The Walking Dead franchise thus far. At least as I see it. That does not stop it from hitting us hard and getting us all ready to see where we are going. It has been a ride so far and it has only started. Episode two looks to keep it all going and possibly throwing all of our emotions for a crazier ride. You can see what I am talking about below and see where we will be going. Unless you are aiming to play the whole season in one sitting and want to keep your play completely fresh until then.

The Walking Dead: The Final Season — Episode Two

With their future suddenly poisoned by uncertainty, Clem must work to manage the fallout and salvage their situation. But a force more relentless than the dead is lurking in the woods, and a ghost from Clementine’s past will soon return to threaten her future…

How are you feeling about The Walking Dead: The Final Season so far and are you ready for the next episode to drop? Do you think that things will keep getting darker before it gets lighter for all involved or will this be the most downer of a season to date? Do you see Telltale Games dropping the franchise completely after this season or will it just be the end of Clem’s story as some suspect? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss until September 25th when the episode drops on us. We will have more for The Walking Dead as we press on. Keep coming back to see how this franchise keeps faring in the video game world.

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