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It’s Time To Fight For Freedom In Hitman’s Fifth Episode

It’s Time To Fight For Freedom In Hitman’s Fifth Episode


Details on the fifth episode for Hitman have been revealed and it looks like Hitman will be bringing us to the United States late in September

We’ve almost made it to the end of the first season of Hitman as the fifth episode of the game is on the verge of being released. Io Interactive isn’t holding back on this one as we move deeper into the story that has been unfolding for a while now. Square Enix has is all packaged up for us and now on September 27th we’ll be playing the next-to-last part of Hitman proper. Of course there are always the little extras to keep us coming back but here we go with the fifth part of the main story and that is exciting.

In this episode of Hitman we are off to Colorado for our next contract. Well contracts really, but not in the way that a lot of you seasoned players have experienced so far. This time around we have four different targets to take down and all of them are ‘chilling’ (pun so intended) on a private militia compound that also has all of the usual trimmings. This episode is being touted as the hardest one that Io Interactive has given us so far and that is truly exciting if it lives up to the hype. I am holding onto hope that it will but we’ll have to wait and see.

As it also turns out here, this episode of Hitman is also slated to give us the largest chunk of the story we have yet to see in this version of the IP. For those not in the know we have usually been given a minute or two of story after completing the core assassinations that all link up somehow. I’m hoping that with the size of the map, number of targets, and everything else that we will get at least five extra minutes than we normally get but again, that is something we are going to have to wait and see as well. At least we all know when that time will come now.

Hitman — Freedom Fighters

Hitman — Freedom Fighters

The story mission for Episode 5 is titled “Freedom Fighters” and is not one to be taken lightly. Agent 47 must infiltrate a Colorado farm compound that has been converted into a private militia training camp. With four targets to locate and take out, this will be an intense infiltration mission and the toughest assignment yet for Agent 47.

The four targets are Sean Rose, Maya Parvati, Ezra Berg and Penelope Graves; four very different, very dangerous people with their own specialist skill-sets ranging from environmental terrorism to chemical interrogation. Episode 5 will include all-new opportunities and disguises, plus 70 challenges that will unlock brand new gear, weapons and items for 47 to use in all existing locations. Not only that, Episode 5: Colorado also rewards players with huge story revelations as the season builds towards a thrilling climax.

What surprises do you think this episode of Hitman will have for us? Do you think this could be one of the hardest episodes for us to get through or is it all marketing here? Do you think that Square Enix is going to green-light a season two given how the game has done so far? Let us know and feel free to discuss down in the comments. For more on Hitman as it comes, be sure to stay right here as we’ll have it all for you and you won’t want to miss out on a thing.

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