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It’s Time To Meet Drack In Mass Effect: Andromeda & Have More Gameplay

It’s Time To Meet Drack In Mass Effect: Andromeda & Have More Gameplay

Mass Effect: Andromeda

Another member of Mass Effect: Andromeda’s Pathfinder team has been given the introduction as well as a lot of Mass Effect: Andromeda spoiler gameplay

Another day and even more Mass Effect: Andromeda news and updates. This time around we have not only a new look and introduction to another character in the game, but given that it is launching on March 21st for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC, we also have a nice little visual breakdown for the game. All of that and it also looks like BioWare was nice enough to spoil the opening to Mass Effect: Andromeda here for those who just can’t wait until next week to get the game in their hands. Read that as we have gameplay of the opening mission to the game as well as some of the cut-scenes that go along with all of that. Consider that your first warning.

First we’ll start off with the new Pathfinder character for Mass Effect: Andromeda in way of Drack. He is one of the oldest Krogan’s out there and with that comes all of the stuff that comes with the age. At least the stereotypical fun stuff we know and none of the horrible shit that can also come. You can see the full introduction and breakdown just below and it only has some minor spoilers in the way of just getting to know the character from the start. Nothing major for most, but that’s the second warning.

Mass Effect: Andromeda — Introducing Drack Your Krogan Teammate

BioWare writer Cathleen Rootsaert gives us a breakdown of Drack, all of his quirks, and contributions as part of the Pathfinder team.

As is to be expected, the larger media sites have been given access to Mass Effect: Andromeda and that means we also get a nice little comparison video to look at. Generally these are out to help you figure out which platform you are going to pick the game up on. Of course, that means that the PC looks absolutely the best but the other two will come down to your choice. At least that is how my eye catches it all here even though I have my own personal preferences. None the less it looks like BioWare has made an amazing looking title.

Mass Effect: Andromeda — Xbox One S vs. PS4 Pro vs. PC

Last up here, if you have carried along so far, is the most spoiler-filled part of all of this as we also have the opening mission for Mass Effect: Andromeda to look at now. Yes, all of it in its almost 50-minute long glory. I personally have not watched it all through as I want to be surprised at launch date, but it is just below for those who need more of the game in their life right now. Consider this your last spoiler alert as this is where all of it boils down as generally you know if you’ll like a game in the first hour or so of it. If you want to be sure to experience Mass Effect: Andromeda untainted then skip it. If not, have fun.

Mass Effect: Andromeda — Opening Mission Gameplay

What do you think about Drack that we have here for Mass Effect: Andromeda? Do you find him to be the better comic relief of the game or will you be looking for another character to do that for you? Which version of the game do you think looks the best or do you think that they all look about the same at this point? Feel free to discuss all your thoughts and comments down below. For more on Mass Effect: Andromeda keep your eyes glued here to the site as we’ll have it all as it comes. Hopefully fewer spoilers in the future. At least until after March 21st.

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