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Join Us In Watching The DICE Summit From Your Home…Or Your Computer

Join Us In Watching The DICE Summit From Your Home…Or Your Computer

The DICE Summit is underway in Las Vegas, NV and we have a way for you to watch and enjoy every bit of it. Check out all of the sessions and the awards ceremony here.

By the time you are reading this the annual DICE Summit will be underway in Las Vegas, NV. Everything officially kicked off at 9:30am PST but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out at all. We have all of the scheduled talks and panels streaming right below for you to enjoy and pine over. Well at least all of the ones that are allowed to be streamed over the net.

So sit back and hold on for a whole lot of talk about all kinds of aspects of gaming. I’m talking from AI to VR and hopefully beyond. All of this concludes tomorrow (2/6/14) with the 17th annual DICE Awards show that will also be included in the below stream. While it may not be a huge draw on reveals as E3 is known to be, we will get to see a lot of the heavy hitters in the industry talking about we and they all love; gaming.

But enough from me, things have begun and you should get to watching; or at least having it on in the background so you can hear some of the fun conversations and the like. If you want to plan better you can head over to the official schedule and see what is on the line up.

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