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Jump Around The World With Your Jump Bot Within Sand Land

Jump Around The World With Your Jump Bot Within Sand Land

Sand Land

One more vehicle is on display for Sand Land with the Jump Bot doing what it does out in the wastes of Sand Land

Let us all jump right in with the next vehicle we are going to get to roll around in when we are playing Sand Land. This time with the Jump Bot that we have seen out there from Bandai Namco to help get us hyped up for the April 26th release of the game on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. A vehicle that is going to do what the name implies but a little bit more in the world of Sand Land. All as we perfectly customize it all and make it fit our preferences of how the game should look. Even if it does look to be like one that will serve a specific purpose and not much else in the game.

I say that, as the Jump Bot for Sand Land does look like it will be a bit more agile than the others in the game but not pack as much of a punch. It is bipedal and can do what the name says while having less of the higher caliber ammo locked in, as it all seems. It does have a gravity bomb option in the mix of it all so it can hold enemies in place, so there is that as a better option to it all. There does not look like there is a solid other option for it all, though, this one is to get to those places in Sand Land that we cannot normally get to. All of this can be seen below as the vehicles keep on rolling out.

Sand Land — Custom Jump Bot

The heights are limitless with the custom jump bot. Get tactical with the gravity bomb, or take advantage of the intense firepower of Rujiba’s Hammer!

Pre-order Sand Land, and venture out on April 26, 2024.

This one does feel like it should be held in reserve in Sand Land until whatever platforming or exploration areas that the game will have for us. It is nice to have some kind of firepower in the mix, but maybe this one should have been held aside just for the jumping and traversal instead of trying to push firepower on us. I could be wrong on all of this and the Jump Bot could be the go-to option, it just does not feel like when in the mix of combat to me. That is why Sand Land is giving us all multiple options, I guess. Maybe the next will be the one that has me ready to hop into the pilot seat and tear up the lands.

Are you excited to see the Jump Bot here in Sand Land or will it be an option you only bring out for the traversal? Will the Gravity Bomb pay off more than we think or will it be a good way for us to end some combat quickly so we can run? Should some of these vehicles only be for non-combat options or does the IP force all bots to have some kind of combat skill to them? Drive on into the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else we have to share with you out there. We will have much more to give you for Sand Land, so please keep on checking in for those updates and the many others we have to offer along the way.

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