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Just Cause 3 Has A New Gameplay Trailer To Blow Your Mind Up

Just Cause 3 Has A New Gameplay Trailer To Blow Your Mind Up

Just Cause 3

Avalanche Studios has released our first look at the gameplay for Just Cause 3 as well as a release window of this holiday season

It’s been teased and spoken of before now but we now have the first gameplay trailer for Just Cause 3. Not only the gameplay trailer but also a release window for the game on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. That time frame being “holiday 2015” to have a huge shocker here. As if we haven’t been able to pretty much figure that out yet given the little we have seen already for Just Cause 3 up to now and how little Avalanche Studios has given us in terms of general game information. I guess it could have had a release date of next year sometime but Holiday Season seems to be the safer bet.

Moving right along though, we do have our first real look at the gameplay for Just Cause 3. Well, at least more of the game’s engine as the following trailer was captured using the game’s engine and gameplay. I have a feeling that not much in terms of mechanics will be changing between the last title and Just Cause 3 so those little nuggets of information may still be on hold until after we all get a good sitting down to look at the game proper. Most likely during the Square Enix press conference during E3 would be my safer bet. Who knows but the developer and publisher though?

Enough finger tapping here. Have a look at the first bit of gameplay and the trailer built from it for Just Cause 3. It will make you want to feel like a badass…

Just Cause 3 — Reveal Trailer

So are you now ready to set the world on fire in Just Cause 3 now? Were you hoping for more to see here? How about all of that falling with style that took up a huge chunk of the gameplay footage here? What do you think of what you have been able to see for Just Cause 3 so far? Let us all know what you think down in the comments.

Just Cause 3

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