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Just Cause 3 Is All Explosions…There’s Story Too

Just Cause 3 Is All Explosions…There’s Story Too

Just Cause 3

A story trailer for Just Cause 3 has been released to show off that Just Cause 3 isn’t all explosive gameplay but has a deeper meaning

Seems that Just Cause 3 isn’t going to be just a huge explosion-fest of gameplay and nothing else as we have an overarching story as to why we are blowing up the island in the game. Of course it would be daft to think that Avalanche Studios wouldn’t be giving us a story in Just Cause 3 but if you thought that we would only be setting the world on fire on December 1st for no reason then you can rest assured that Just Cause 3 will have a point to the madness. Video games can’t be all about just madness and explosions can they? Although I think Just Cause 3 really could get away with just that…

Now of course by story for Just Cause 3 I am not talking along the lines of anything as grandiose as we’ve seen in many of the Square Enix products already. That may also have been a daft thought as that just isn’t the kind of game that Just Cause 3 is going to be. In this case though we get a look at there being a huge, oppressive, big bad guy who needs to be taught a lesson in humility. This is of course where Rico and friends come in and do so in Just Cause 3 by blowing everything up in the most grandiose manner possible. All the way the game needs them to be.

Just in case you don’t believe it we have the latest story trailer for Just Cause 3 just a bit lower on the page here. Go ahead and have a look and see if there is really anything more than the fun and mindless story that is needed for Just Cause 3 so it isn’t just a murder-fest with explosives and guns that the gameplay dictates. Without a morale cause behind it then we really just have a fancy murder simulator here with Just Cause 3 and video games can’t be just about that can they? We can’t let that happen…

Just Cause 3 — Story Trailer

What are your thoughts on the story for Just Cause 3 here? Do you think that it will fit in well and explain off a lot of the gameplay that Avalanche Studios has for us to experience or will it just be the fluff to keep us grounded in the reasons for all the murderous mayhem we will be getting into with Just Cause 3? Do you think I am just going a bit out of bounds with these thoughts? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. If Square Enix gives out any more for Just Cause 3 we will certainly have it here for you so be on the lookout for all those updates when they explode onto the scene.