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Just Cause 3 Wants To Set The World On Fire

Just Cause 3 Wants To Set The World On Fire

Just Cause 3

A new trailer for Just Cause 3 has given us a release window for the game as well as some amazing visuals to speculate on

If you came here looking for a whole bunch of new information for Just Cause 3 from Avalanche Studios then you are going to be sad. If you came here to see a fun new trailer that gives us a release window for Just Cause 3 then you are going to be extremely happy as that is what we have here for you. Those who fall in the prior category can kind of take the win there as it brings you one step closer to finding out when you’ll be playing Just Cause 3 on the PS4, Xbox One, or PC. So it really is a win-win situation just with a greater win for those looking for the trailer.

Still with us after that little confusing bit for Just Cause 3? Good. Well just below you can check out the new “Firestarter” trailer for Just Cause 3. It has some great visuals that we should expect from all Square Enix titles as well as a really cool version of Firestarter by The Prodigy. Why would we expect any less for Just Cause 3? It also tells us that we can expect to have the game this holiday season. That means we only have about ten more months to wait for Just Cause 3.

While that sinks in, have a look at the trailer that is all the buzz for Just Cause 3 now.

Just Cause 3 — Firestarter

There you have it. Just Cause 3 setting the world on fire with a trailer. This also means that the PR train will be in full steam hopefully by E3 this year so we can expect loads of updates and extras for Just Cause 3 starting around then. At least if the normal PR train is used here. They might plan to do something different but I wouldn’t expect that. Then again, you are not me so take that as you will.

Tell us what you thought of this new Just Cause 3 teaser in the comments below.

Just Cause 3