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Just Cause 4 Dive Deeper Into What It Offers Just Before Launch

Just Cause 4 Dive Deeper Into What It Offers Just Before Launch

Just Cause 4

A new “deep dive” video for Just Cause 4 is here to show off more of what Just Cause 4 will have for us when it launches in a few weeks

There has to be someone out there who has little to no knowledge of Just Cause 4 as of yet as we have another video diving into what the game has to offer. Not only the game but also the franchise that Avalanche Studios is expanding on yet again. It would seem that if you have not heard of Just Cause yet and have missed the basics, you might just want to check in with how you are living your life. Nonetheless, we have a new video to go over all of the things that the game will have for us here on December 4th when it lands on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Get ready for one more “deep dive” into everything we will most likely get to experience on that date.

For those out of the loop on Just Cause 4, it is an open world game where we will be able to cause all the havoc and destruction as we would like. This time we are in a new part of the world and fighting off a different enemy, but we will be blowing things up and shooting everything else until it is Swiss cheese. All with the vast improvements that the new game engine will give us here for Just Cause 4 and the other game mechanics that will expand what we can do. All of which have been slowly shown off since Square Enix announced the game was coming, but now all in one little package to sit back and watch. Do just that so you can have that full refresher of just what you will be getting yourself into soon.

Just Cause 4 — Deep Dive

Just Cause 4 is the biggest, most varied and most beautiful game in the series. The brand new Deep Dive Trailer released today gives players an overview of everything they can expect from the most ambitious Just Cause game to date.

In Just Cause 4, there are more biomes, vehicles, and weapons than ever before, all set over the largest land mass ever seen in a Just Cause game. Expect better vehicle handling, deeper, more sophisticated enemy AI and an overhauled grappling hook, just to name a few of our brand new features in Just Cause 4. The unique and incredible real-time extreme weather events like tornadoes, sandstorms, and lightning storms are a game-changer for Just Cause 4 and it is all powered by Avalanche Studio’s ground-breaking sandbox technology, the Apex Engine.

Set in the fictional South American world of Solis, Just Cause 4 takes the series’ incredible destruction and unique physics to a whole new level with the introduction of fully simulated tornadoes and other extreme weather events. Rico Rodriguez returns in Just Cause 4 with his trademark parachute, wingsuit and, of course, his grapple hook, now enhanced with new functionality and fully customizable making it the most powerful and creative tool the player has ever had.

Are you completely ready for Just Cause 4 to drop or do you still have burning questions that need answering before launch? Did you learn anything new from this new video here or could we have just put the playlist of videos together for you? Have you been playing in the franchise from the start or will this be your first jump into it all? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Just Cause 4, be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep all of the updates coming at you as best and fast as we can.

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