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Just Cause 4 Shows The Chaos That One Man Can Truly Cause

Just Cause 4 Shows The Chaos That One Man Can Truly Cause

Just Cause 4

A new live action trailer for Just Cause 4 is here but it also brings along a bit of new gameplay for Just Cause 4 mixed right in

Next week we will be diving into the world of Just Cause 4 and causing all kinds of hell in the game’s world. There is also some kind of story built on top of that, but I have a feeling more will focus on all the weird and explosive things they can do in the game more than that. Not to say that we should not enjoy the story that Avalanche Studios put in there. I just know how gamers and humans usually go and it is more on the side of harming others for their own amusement. As long as they keep it to Just Cause 4 that will be fine. December 4th is almost here so get your PS4, Xbox One, and PC ready for the game.

With that all said, it is time to think about what happens to those NPCs in Just Cause 4 after you cause the chaos and they have to report to their higher-ups. All in the form of a live action trailer that we have now, but it does have some new gameplay mixed in for those who want to see the actual game and not just promotional materials. I just find it funnier to humanize the characters in Just Cause 4 to try and make you think about your actions in the game and not to treat them like faceless beings out there for your pleasure. I mean, they are, but you should still feel bad about it all when all is said and done.

Just Cause 4 — One Man Did All This?

After their latest humiliating defeat, a squad of wounded Black Hand soldiers attempt to explain to their leader, Gabriela Morales, how they managed to get beaten by just one man; the leader of The Army of Chaos, Rico Rodriguez.

How are you feeling about Just Cause 4 here after seeing this live action trailer here? Do you find the extra humor in the NPCs trying to explain things or will you just ignore it all and move right along? Do you still need more gameplay for the game before launch or have you been entertained thus far and ready for the game now? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Just Cause 4, be sure to stick around here. We will bring more of it to you in whatever form is offered up.

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