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Kind Of A Release Date For Dying Light: The Following Has Been Given

Kind Of A Release Date For Dying Light: The Following Has Been Given

Dying Light

A release window for the Dying Light: The Following DLC has been given so we all know about when the mass of Dying Light fans will be diving back into the game on a large scale

If you were looking for a solid release date for the Dying Light: The Following DLC then you are still out of luck. If you were looking to see if Techland Games had any idea on when we might be seeing this DLC hit the PC, PS4, and Xbox One then you are in a little bit of luck as it looks like it is being slated for a Q1 2016 release window. Why Warner Bros. had to make a big deal about this I don’t know but that is when Dying Light‘s largest DLC expansion is going to coming out. Only a nice three month window there and not much can really happen in that time right? Well outside of development work but that isn’t the joke I was aiming for.

Now because money and time was wasted on letting us know that Dying Light was getting its The Following DLC in that timeline I won’t waste more time holding you from it. Apparently it is worth it because all of the true fans of Dying Light must have forgotten it was coming and it deserved a full trailer to tell us this. Have a look and see how much more we need to pay attention to Techland Games while they wrap up Dying Light: The Following.

Dying Light: The Following — Release Date Window Reveal

“So since Gamescom 2015, we revealed quite a bit about our upcoming expansion: the vast countryside map, the customizable dirt buggy, a new story and more. What we couldn’t say before though, was the release date. Today we finally know that Dying Light: The Following will launch within the first three months of 2016. This gives us enough time to put in all the content and surprises we have planned for you guys. So keep your eyes peeled for some sneak peeks into what we have in the works for you all. And we promise to share the exact day of release as soon as we get a final decision.”

If I had to be money I’d say that we will most likely see Dying Light: The Following sometime mid-January or late-January so Techland Games can keep the cycle of their big DLC going for the franchise here. The wasteful nature of the announcement like this is just to leave them breathing room in the instance that something goes wrong in development and it all doesn’t meld well into Dying Light proper. I am also guessing that Warner Bros. asked for something and this is what they received as development is a cruel bitch and they wanted something to keep Dying Light relevant until then as there isn’t more to share without spoiling The Following at all.

None of this lowers my excitement for Dying Light: The Following by any means; just to be clear. I just don’t get why anyone would want to make a huge deal about a small thing like a release window. Usually these are reserved for the first announcement phase of marketing and not after people have already had hands on with Dying Light: The Following at Gamescom and such. I guess I’ll just blame it on the mentality and short attention spans of human society and the need for this. Hells, I just used this to get your attention here too which is what this Dying Light announcement is all about as there is nothing further to add at all.

What are your thoughts on this Dying Light: The Following release window announcement? Did you forget that Techland Games was working on it in the first place? Would you have rather just had the release date set and possibly delayed if something came up here? Should this be treated as big news as other outlets have already done? Let us know in the comments and discuss away until Dying Light: The Following comes home. If there is any further updates or news out of Warner Bros. for Dying Light we’ll be sure to update you with them no matter how small and insignificant they may be so be sure to keep checking back.

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