Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8
During the Tokyo Game Show Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 has been announced so those looking for a bridge for Kingdom Hearts 3 will have all of their prequel needs met
It looks like we may have been a bit ahead of ourselves last week when we spoke of Kingdom Hearts 2.9 as during the Tokyo Game Show we just had Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 announced and on its way to the PS4. It does seem like a minor alteration to what was spoken of before but it looks like Square Enix is making sure that even more of us have the full-ish story just before Kingdom Hearts III hits shelves on the PS4 and Xbox One. Maybe this will just leave Kingdom Hearts 2.9 open as a collection of ALL of the Kingdom Hearts titles for the next gen systems so no one will be left out in the dark next year. Speculation but that doesn’t change the fact that Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 has been announced.
What exactly is Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8? Well it is a HD remaster of the final titles in the franchise yet to make it over the home consoles. It will also have a nice little bridge between Birth By Sleep and Kingdom Hearts III so all of you will know what Disney characters are up to what in the universe. Especially with the new “episode” that will take place after the aforementioned Birth By Sleep and feature the perspective of Aqua. I have no clue what this means as I never played that title in the franchise but now that we are getting it on the PS4 it looks like I might be able to play more catch up before Kingdom Hearts III so I can try and understand the convoluted story line that the franchise has evolved into.
Of course I spoke only of Birth By Sleep here as that is the bridge between the titles but the big push here is that Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 is really just Dream Drop Distance‘s HD version and migration from the 3DS to the console. Also mix in some videos that will continue the bridging all from the Japanese only title Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ. If only we could get the other collections all mixed in so we can have a full Kingdom Hearts experience on the next gens, include the XB1 for the love of the gods, then Square Enix could make sure all fans can have the full KH experience without need for owning all consoles and mobile devices out there.
To recap, here’s what will be coming with Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8. Currently there is no suggested price or release date for this add-on to the Kingdom Hearts franchise but we do have a few screens to show the work that has been done on Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 so far.
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Screen 0
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Screen 0
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Musketeers
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Musketeers
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Black Cover
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Black Cover
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Sora
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Battle Riku
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 — Battle Riku
- Kingdom Hearts [Dream Drop Distance] HD
- Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage
- A completely new playable episode that links to the story of Kingdom Hearts III, taking place after the storyline of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep played from the perspective of Aqua.
- Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover (movie)
- A new HD movie that tells the mysterious story of the Foretellers, connecting the earliest parts of the series’ history, showcased in the upcoming mobile title Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ.
Now that you are in the know for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 what are your thoughts? Will you be missing out on some Disney‘s story here given the limitations of platform announced and where Kingdom Hearts III is heading to? Do you think that there will be a 2.9 version still that will be a collection of everything for both PS4 and Xbox One? Why would Square Enix not give fans this? Discuss and comment below. Hopefully we will see more Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 content and announcements soon. When we do you know we will have them here so be sure to keep checking back in so you don’t miss out.
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