King’s Quest
The third episode of King’s Quest now has a release date and is slated to bring a romantic comedy to the King’s Quest story thus far
Another good chunk of time has gone by since the last episode of King’s Quest was released and it looks like the third episode isn’t going to be too far off as we now have a release date for it. Not only that but it looks like from the description that has been revealed by The Odd Gentlemen it looks like we are going to be in for some kind of romantic comedy when all things are said and done. It will also make us question a few things we assumed from Sierra‘s version of King’s Quest already set in motion.
It looks like a few years have passed between episodes two and three as Graham looks much older and a little less “rough around the edges” here. This is also going to show us the truth behind how Graham and Valanice met and began ruling the kingdom in King’s Quest. That is where the romantic comedy aspect comes in I am sure as this is all based on the following screenshots we have for the new episode. There is a lot more going on but that is what we truly have to focus on here and we’ll take what we can get of course.
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I am going to go out on a limb here and claim that Valanice here is going to be the true hero of this episode of King’s Quest. Not in terms of being the best character but as most storytelling has gone here in the last few years I am guessing that The Odd Gentlemen are going to “turn things upside down” by making her the one who saves the day and Graham just gets the credit no matter how much he protests. You know, because it would be too outlandish and not as funny to have them truly work as equals. The comedy I am sure will come from her taking on the traditional role that males take in these kinds stories. Ha…
What are your thoughts on the third episode of King’s Quest? Are you glad to see that it didn’t take six months like last time or is the four month stretch still too much? Do you think that they are going to take the easy way for laughs or do you think we could see something that isn’t normally done in video games here? Or any medium for that matter. Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. For more on King’s Quest and other episodic video games out there keep yourself tuned in right here. It is all the rage and I am certain there will be more.
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