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Laura Gets Officially Shown Off For Street Fighter V

Laura Gets Officially Shown Off For Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V

New gameplay footage for Street Fighter V has been released and this time we get to see that ‘leaked’ character, Laura, in action for Street Fighter V

Fresh on the heels of the last Street Fighter V ‘leak’ comes another ‘leak’ of information as we now have solid gameplay of the new character Laura in full action. This time the leak comes from the PlayStation YouTube account that happened to publish the video a bit early. Said video was of course captured before Capcom was able to get the original set to private and thus we have more to update here for Street Fighter V. That and the fact that the second global beta for Street Fighter V is going to be going into full swing for October 22nd to the 25th so in case you don’t care about the new character you have something new to share for Street Fighter V.

Back to Laura in Street Fighter V.

As I mentioned, below we have the video of her in action and showing off even more moves that link her to another Brazilian fighter that is quite shocking and yet to be shown in Street Fighter V. In fact the following gameplay shows off just how linked she could be as she has even more moves that are akin including a nice little rolling flip that looks to be the V-Skill or V-Trigger move Laura will employ here in Street Fighter V. The only instance I will be shocked, pun intended, by Laura here is if there is an announcement that she is nowhere linked to Blanka at all.

Street Fighter V — Laura

I am sure there will be a further announcement for Laura out of Capcom and PlayStation where we will get all of those details as that is usually the case with these reveals. Well it has been with all of the past Street Fighter V character reveals. Laura has just been ‘accidentally leaked’ so much that we just have extra time to speculate and make whatever leaps of logic that we want. Until the full showing of Laura in Street Fighter V we wait and see…

Do you have any new thoughts on Laura now that you’ve seen her in action for Street Fighter V here? Did you come just for the global beta update and don’t care for the new character to the franchise? What outlandish backstory can you come up with for Laura here if not linking her to any past Street Fighter characters? Let us know down in the comments and bring forth the discussion. When Capcom comes around to fully announcing Laura for Street Fighter V and not just through ‘leaks’ we will have it updated right here so be sure to keep checking back in for everything.

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