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‘Leaked’ Street Fighter V Tutorial Shows You How To Play The Game

‘Leaked’ Street Fighter V Tutorial Shows You How To Play The Game

Street Fighter V

The main tutorial for Street Fighter V and a bit of the story mode have ‘leaked’ online so all can see what waits in Street Fighter V

You always run this risk when you do public betas as no one can keep their mouth shut but it looks like the tutorial for Street Fighter V has made its way online and those interested can see how the game will walk you through the moves to get you ready to fight. I am sure that Capcom isn’t all too happy about this but those eager to see what Street Fighter V is going to look like, most likely, when it hits the PS4 and PC on February 16th then you are in luck. All of the basics of the tutorial in the story mode are here and you can see them just below.

It is worth noting that this is from the beta of Street Fighter V and may or may not be the final version of it but it does look like it goes through the most basic of paces to get the player ready to fight. Not only that but as I mentioned it does go into a little bit of the story as this is Ryu getting ready and back into shape with Ken as his sparing buddy. Of course Street Fighter V would use these two to walk you through the basics. I am curious to see if you get the same thing for other characters in the game as some of them have completely different styles that would need the practice to be ready for the fight in Street Fighter V.

Street Fighter V — Tutorial/Story Mode

I do have to say that as tutorials go this one makes Street Fighter V seem like a very slow paced game. Either that or the player who was showing this off has never played a fighting game before and was being very careful to master each of these most basic moves. I am not sure where to side on this. What is known is that Capcom may be changing things up as we press on with Street Fighter V as this doesn’t seem like a good fit into the faster pace fighting the franchise is known for. Okay, that may not be known but it is a hope of mine as I wouldn’t want to sit through this long of a tutorial just to learn how to punch, kick, move, and block.

What do you think about what you just saw here for Street Fighter V? Do you think it will be mandatory for all players or will Capcom make it optional for those seasoned gamers out there? Would you like to see a tutorial for each character so you could nail down their combos and moves a bit better? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As this was ‘leaked’ I suspect we’ll be getting some more solid details and video from the source soon and when that happens we will have it all up on the site here for you so be sure to keep checking back in as we press forward with the development of Street Fighter V.

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