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Learn To Play Together & Survive The Upcoming Welcome To ParadiZe

Learn To Play Together & Survive The Upcoming Welcome To ParadiZe

Welcome To ParadiZe

Co-Op is going to help us in Welcome To ParadiZe if we want to make it out the other side of what is going on in ParadiZe

Teamwork is always played up when it comes to the end of the world of zombie apocalypses and Welcome To ParadiZe is going to be no different. Not that Eko Software has not mentioned it before, but there is going to be a co-op element to the game for those who wish to play the game in that way on February 29th. For those solo players, this is an option and will not require you to experience Welcome To ParadiZe with other humans, but we are here today to see how that will all function on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC when the day comes. All to give you a few more days to try to get a posse together if you do want to go at the game in this way.

You can see some of it in action just below, but we will be able to group up with three other human players out there in Welcome To ParadiZe to experience all of the zombie attacks, base-building, and resource farming that the game has to offer. Not with anyone needing to take specific roles in the game, but it is implied that we will need to have something like that if we do want to make it out of ParadiZe still alive. The only other aspect that can be seen here is that it does look as if friendly fire will not be on for our survivors and we can still all have our own little hordes of zombies to help us all out too. Just one more way to experience the game is all we see here, but that does mean we have one more co-op title to play with friends if that is still your jam.

Welcome To ParadiZe — Co-Op

Is the apocalypse getting you down? Make it easier with helpful zombies, ready to handle the most thankless tasks for you.

The billionaire genius, playboy, and philanthropist Jeff Tusk invites you to ParadiZe where your survivalist troubles can be put to rest. Using Tusk Industries’ innovative Zombot Hacking Helmet, you can take control of any zombie and live through the apocalypse in a little corner of paradise with your feet up!

I know I was kind of hoping for a bit of a shift in Welcome To ParadiZe when playing with others on a team. I am guessing that there will be little things like more of the undead spawning or resources dwindling down a lot faster with four players using them. I guess, I was looking for more of an advantage to give a better reason to play the game in a team. That or requiring specific roles so that each experience could be slightly different. That might have been expecting a bit too much from Welcome To ParadiZe but it does not mean that I will not be looking to add this to the co-op gaming sessions. As long as I am actually able to find others to play with. Well, more along the lines of finding others I can trust to play with…

Are you going to be looking to head into ParadiZe on your own or will you have a small team of players joining you in the fun? Would it be nice to have to fill specific roles in the game or do you like having the freedom to choose between you and your friends? Will the game ramp things up based on our numbers or will the team play make it an easier way to get out of it all alive? Shamble on down to the comment section to talk about all of this and everything else we have had for the game so far. If we get more to share for Welcome To ParadiZe, we will share it all here for you. Please keep on coming back to see and hear about all of it as the days march on by.

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