1209 👀

Let The People Know & Blood Flow For Mad Max’s Savage Road

Let The People Know & Blood Flow For Mad Max’s Savage Road

Mad Max

There is a new Mad Max trailer that shows off a bit more on the game’s story with hints of being linked to Mad Max: Fury Road

By now I am sure most people have seen Mad Max: Fury Road and are familiar with the story of the Mad Max universe. Sure you could have had a nice filler from the original films and lore but now we can say everyone born after the 80’s should know about Mad Max. Not that Avalanche Studios version of the game is directly linked but we can easily see how one influenced the other in the most recent story trailer for Mad Max. That being the film’s new look and feel moving into the video game’s look and feel. Got it now?

Yes, all of the above does mean that we have a new trailer for Mad Max to look at. Warner Bros. is most likely going to be spearheading this into all of us now that the franchise is well in the public eye and the game comes out on September 1st. It will need all kind of good mumbo jumbo thrown its way as it will be going up against The Phantom Pain unless the game dates change. Of course that is still possible but hopefully unlikely for Mad Max.

Enough finger tapping though. Let’s get into the new story trailer for Mad Max.

Mad Max — Savage Road

I have personally not been able to see the new film as of this writing but I am told there are strong connections between this Mad Max and the film’s story. I can see that the two universes, if they are different, look and feel the same between each other. No reason to kill the synergy between them. I am extremely curious to see how all of this fits together in the grander scheme of Mad Max though. I was a huge fan of the original films and don’t want to see things go up in flames by any means.

The story here though does seem to keep current with all of the other Mad Max lore so I am not seeing anything to harsh on just yet. I’ll save all of that specifically for after I have been able to lay on hands with the game, most likely at E3, and see how the gameplay works out. Last I was told from Avalanche Studios all of the story, world, and characters were being handled by some of the biggest Mad Max fans in the studio so hopefully it will be nailed just as well as all of the film reviews are saying Mad Max: Fury Road has been.

Enough on what I think though. What do you think here? If you’ve seen the new film let us know how it links up in what we just saw for Mad Max above. If you are just an old school fan and only seen those films and story let us know what you think. If for some reason you are still here and have only heard about the character, world, story, and all that jazz from just Mad Max the game; we want to know what you are thinking. Go ahead and put all of that down in the comments. Also plan to keep checking back here as we will bring you more as we get it on all things Mad Max.

Mad Max

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