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Let Us Take A Closer Look At Life In The Backyard For Grounded

Let Us Take A Closer Look At Life In The Backyard For Grounded


A new video blog is here for Grounded that gives us a little more insight into the insect life of Grounded and what to expect out there

Given that Grounded is still in that good old Early Access and preview stage for PC and Xbox One, there should be many different updates and changes expected as we head forward. Something that anyone that has been in on the game for a while now will know is happening from Obsidian Entertainment. They want it to be huge, pun intended, and get more players out there into the world of Grounded. This, of course, all leads us back to why we are back here talking about the game. We have a new update to the game and a better look at how the ecology of the world works and could potentially help you out as you survive the backyard.

While none of this goes into any specific updates and changes for Grounded, we do get a nice look at how the game’s creatures react and act in the world. Something that seems a little more technical in nature but also something to keep an eye on as it will help us find resources in the game. Things like the aphids and beetles reacting as they do when they are on the hunt can lead us to new resources in Grounded. Not only that, but knowing that we can drive an army of ants toward other bigger insects to have them help take them down is helpful. Also, know how they work in the day/night cycle is an insane boon and sign that the developers are building a vast and interactive world for us to enjoy. Have a look and see just what I am talking about here.

Grounded — A Day In The Life…

Join Shyla, Obsidian’s Social Media Manager, as she takes you around to look at the busy life in the backyard. In this vlog, you’ll gain insight into how the insects spend their days and nights while you aren’t around. From finding food to making themselves happy, the backyard is full of life and personality day in and day out. Just take a look!

The next content update will be released on September 30th! Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay Grounded!

Have you been able to witness all of this in Grounded as of yet or will you now be keeping an eye out for it all? Do you think we will see more updates like this for the various other creatures in the world or will that get too complex over time? When do you think this will be a full title and not just one in an Early Access? Let us have all of those thoughts and ideas down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. When there is more to share for Grounded, you know we will have it all here. Just be sure to keep checking in for all of that and much, much more.

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