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Let’s Take A Tour Of The City Of Glass From Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Let’s Take A Tour Of The City Of Glass From Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Another Mirror’s Edge Catalyst developer diary has come out and we get some further details on Mirror’s Edge Catalyst’s City Of Glass

Another developer diary for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has been released here and this time we get to see more on one of the major players in the game. Not any of the big named characters that DICE has crafted for us but I am talking about the City of Glass itself. It looks like it will have more to offer up in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst than the small subsection we were able to experience in the first game of the franchise. So much more and now we have a few new details.

Below you will see how the City of Glass will have an actual populace now and not just Faith and guards. This also won’t be in just the fancy corporate setting either from the looks of things as it is all a nice big breathing world. I always pictured everything from before being handled so high up and on roofs that I never figured we see much more than what we did. Maybe a window washer or two but now in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst we’ll be seeing a lot more. I wonder how they will react.

It also looks like DICE is keeping some of the old appeal to mix into the new as there looks to be different environments based on factions and location in the city. Nothing in terms of “X controls this area” but in the terms of not every part of the world is slummy and not every part has the world’s best janitors on call 24 hours a day. I guess what I am getting at here is that the world of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is going to feel more alive than before and they did such a great job the first time it is hard to see it expand in my head.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst — City And Narrative

How do you think Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is shaping up based on this recent video? Do you see the world getting a much needed expansion in the franchise or did you prefer the very you versus them feel from before? Who do they pay to keep everything so clean? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. For more on Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and how it is progressing keep yourself locked in right here for more. We’ll give it to you as soon as we get it.

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