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Lickers Are Back & Giving Claire A Horrible Experience In Resident Evil 2

Lickers Are Back & Giving Claire A Horrible Experience In Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 Remake

More gameplay for the Resident Evil 2 Remake is out now and it takes us all the way back to one of Resident Evil 2’s terrifying enemies the Lickers

There was no doubt that the Lickers would be back in full swing for the Resident Evil 2 Remake as they were such an iconic creature the first time around. We have seen little bits here and there to get us all excited for them and now Capcom has allowed for some extra gameplay footage to be out there to show off how much more they will haunt our dreams. Also while showing off that the classic scene from Resident Evil 2 will be held up to pretty much the same standards we expect and have seen before. That classic turning the corner and seeing one chowing down for the first time sticks with me to this day and it is only worse with the advancement of the visuals for the game.

Maybe it will not be the same for a lot of you out there, but it is what made Resident Evil 2 for me. Outside of the look, though, it also seems that they have been made even deadlier than I remember them from how much they can absorb in damage to just how they move around. Almost like this is what they wanted to do way back before the hardware allowed for it and they are now taking full advantage of it all. Have a look down below and see if it still holds after all these years and if it brings back all of those Resident Evil 2 nightmares again. I am almost certain that they will.

Resident Evil 2 Remake — Claire Gameplay

We played a brand new Claire section of the Resident Evil 2 Remake and went up against Lickers, dead Police, and an even deader Dodo.

If that was not enough new footage for the Resident Evil 2 Remake, we have a bunch more to show off as well. Again, it features some Lickers in the mix, but it also goes deeper into all the other horrors that Claire will have to deal with. Specifically how Capcom has truly gone to the horror roots and mixed in great jump scares and the mood that is now possible in today’s market. All of which is something to get my horror motor running for when Resident Evil 2 Remake hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on January 25th of 2019. Not too much longer until we can relive the nightmares.

Resident Evil 2 Remake — Claire Gameplay

How are you feeling about the Lickers for the Resident Evil 2 Remake that we have to look at here? Do you agree that it looks like they are ramping them up more than from so long ago or am I just remembering things different since it has been so long? Do you like the mix of jump scares we have to see here or were you hoping for all of the horror to be on the atmosphere side of the coin instead? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on the Resident Evil 2 Remake, be sure to keep coming back here. We will keep all of the updates coming at you and you will be glad you listened to us.

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