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Life Is Strange 2 Is Teasing Some Changes For Us To Enjoy

Life Is Strange 2 Is Teasing Some Changes For Us To Enjoy

Life Is Strange 2

A new teaser trailer for Life Is Strange 2 is here to show us a few of the other changes we may expect when Life Is Strange 2 launches in September

After the nice little “demo” for Life Is Strange 2 that we kind of had with Captain Spirit, it looks as if DontNod is back and teasing some other new things coming to the game and IP when it launches on September 27th. It is no secret that the game is taking place in a new location and with some new characters but staying grounded in the universe that was created already. This we all knew, hopefully. With the latest teaser we have here for Life Is Strange 2, though, it looks like we could be seeing a whole lot more coming in way of changes in the world than we may have thought. Unless you truly dug into the Captain Spirit stuff and saw it all coming.

There is the promise for more when Life Is Strange 2 is shown off at Gamescom on August 20th, but what we do have here looks to be a “found footage” video of police responding to a fight in progress. We do not get to see much of said fight, or the cop, but we do get to see something massive happen in the video that does not fully fit into what we all thought was going on in Life Is Strange so far. I will not spoil it, as it is quick cool to see blindly, but also so those who want more of a shock when the game fully launches can stay spoiler free. Have a look now if you want to see what we could have coming at us soon-ish.

Life Is Strange 2 — Official Teaser

A new journey begins.

All will be revealed August 20, 2018.

Episode 1 of Life Is Strange 2 will release on September 27th 2018.

Was this what you were expecting to come in Life Is Strange 2 or did you expect a bit more of what we already had from the last few titles? What are your new theories on the game and IP after seeing all of this here? Do you see how it all connects back to Captain Spirit now or will it take a bit more than this to get things connected? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Life Is Strange 2, though, keep checking back in here. We will keep rolling out these explosive updates as soon as we get them.

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