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Life Is Strange: True Colors Asks Us All To Get To Know Ryan

Life Is Strange: True Colors Asks Us All To Get To Know Ryan

Life Is Strange: True Colors

One more character is shown off for Life Is Strange: True Colors to show us how romance will play into Life Is Strange again

We have met the protagonist and a bit of their family for Life Is Strange: True Colors, but now it is time to start filling out the rest of the cast we will get to experience in the game. I have a feeling this list could potentially get massive over time as Deck Nine Games usually dives into all of that fairly deep to give us a well-written story in the mix. You can look at all of the past titles for Life Is Strange to ensure you know that is what you will be getting into. The bigger difference here being that we have one of the other major characters getting a highlight. Given that the power is reading and manipulating emotions, it might be easy to know that almost all of these characters could be something massive to it all here.

Here we get to meet Ryan in True Colors and happens to be the friend of Alex’s brother in the mix of things here. A park ranger in the Colorado town that this story of Life Is Strange is set in. He is charming and listed as a “rugged, mountain man type” while being a little bit of a dork as we can hear and see below. The interesting part here is that it looks like Ryan will be a romance option in Life Is Strange, which is something that is normally set and not fully based on the choices in these games. One could argue that making the choices to keep those past romances around plays into the choices, but it sounds like this could be more like we expect in all of those other games out there too. That is just an assumption, though, and this could be something set no matter the choices and actions we take too.

Life Is Strange: True Colors — Meet Ryan

Ryan is a park ranger, born and raised in the small town of Haven Springs, Colorado. A strong, dependable, and self-confessed “rugged, mountain man type”, his intelligence stems from a natural curiosity and intuition about the world and the people around him.

Ryan’s sharp perceptions, inner balance, and quiet calm serve as a tremendous remedy for Alex, who has struggled with emotional volatility her entire life. But Ryan will soon need Alex’s friendship as much as she depends on his…

Do you agree with how they have listed Ryan here for Life Is Strange or is that just something to try to flesh out the character more than a stereotype? Do you think that things will always be romanceable in this story or will it truly feel like we might miss things by choosing incorrectly? Do you think this will have a larger cast of characters due to the powers here or will it be limited as we have had before with just a few well-rounded characters in the mix? Let us know what you think of this and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to. We will share more for Life Is Strange: True Colors as we find it. Just keep checking back on the site to see and hear all of that as we head forward in time.

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