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Life Is Strange Shows A Better Butterfly Effect

Life Is Strange Shows A Better Butterfly Effect

Life Is Strange

The second developer diary for Life Is Strange is out and shows off Max’s rewind ability we will use in the game

Life Is Strange is not too far off from having its first episode hit our homes. I feel like I have said that a lot this week. One of the things that I know I’ve been curious on for the game has been the rewind mechanic that we will all get to employ in the game. This is kind of one of the core things and builds off one of the best mechanics in Dontnod‘s previous title Remember Me. It was used to remix memories there and in Life Is Strange it looks like it is there to help us remix and alter the timeline. That is where the whole butterfly effect thing comes in. That also happens to be the main topic in the developer diary below.

Yep, we will be able to alter and fix mistakes during Life Is Strange via this mechanic to be able to see all kinds of possible outcomes for the game. This looks to work with any major choice to even some of the extremely minute and seemingly inconsequential. Of course when working with the concept like the butterfly effect small things can have greater outcomes and this is something that Dontnod sounds to be trying to achieve in Life Is Strange. This would completely set their form of episodic storytelling away from that of others like Telltale as there would be no need to completely replay a whole episode section to get the different outcome but just use the powers of the main character in the story.

Of course there is a whole lot more to all of this and it is better explained in the following video. This also covers all the really cool looking camera style used for overlays in Life Is Strange when Max uses the power to rewind. Like I said though, I’ll let you check all that out. If only we could speed up time to get to January 30th earlier. To that end it would also be awesome to speed up the six to seven weeks we will have to wait between episodes. Only in an amazing and strange world though right?

Life Is Strange — Butterfly Effect

Life Is Strange

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