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Little Nightmares II Launches Our Fears Out There This Week

Little Nightmares II Launches Our Fears Out There This Week

Little Nightmares II

The launch trailer for Little Nightmares II is here to get us all ready to dive back into the universe of Little Nightmares one more time

Here we go with the launch of Little Nightmares II this week on all of the platforms out there. Some of us have been diving into the demo that has been out for a while and others have been holding off until the full release dropped out there. Now, on February 11th, we will see that all happen and many will have the chance to dive into Tarsier Studios‘ next addition to the Little Nightmares IP out there. This also means that we all get that nice new launch trailer to go along with it to tease a few more things for those trying to not watch all of the Let’s Plays out there now that embargoes have lifted for sites.

More or less, the following trailer for Little Nightmares II offers up the same gameplay we have seen and had to experience so far out there. We do get a look at a few more areas and enemies we will have to avoid and distract in the game, but given how the game has been so far, I do not think it will spoil a single thing for those looking to have a little extra fun out there. It is always a concern but this truly just shows how they have evolved the Little Nightmares formula to the current state and keep us all wanting more. Have a look and head out to pre-order the game if you have not already. I have a feeling it will be another fun little hit on our hands here.

Little Nightmares II — Launch Trailer

Preparations are complete, little ones. Your journey to the Pale City begins any moment now. Once you take the first step, there’s no going back. Take a breath and get ready to face what’s waiting for you in the heart of the Signal Tower.

Will you be diving into Little Nightmares II as soon as it hits this week or will you be waiting to see how it all plays out well before it all? How varied do you think each of these enemies will feel or will it all still be the basic run for cover while trying to move around the world? Have you pre-ordered the game already or will you just be checking out all of the online gameplay instead? Give us all of that feedback down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. If we have more to share for Little Nightmares II, we will share it all here. Please keep checking back for all of that and much more out there.

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