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Here Is A Little More For The Evil Within Straight From Japan

Here Is A Little More For The Evil Within Straight From Japan

The Evil Within

We have a new PS4 trailer fresh from Japan and it happens to have a bit more from The Evil Within. Or Psycho Break as it is called over there.

Hey horror fans! If you are like me then you have been keeping an eye on The Evil Within or Psycho Break coming from Tango Gameworks and Bethesda. It is also the title being helmed by Shinji Mikami of Resident Evil fame. You should know this by now as it has been covered on the site multiple times already. I guess that makes all of this a bit redundant and useless.

Either way, we have a new look at The Evil Within in the following PS4 video. For the most part there is a lot of what we have already seen but I wouldn’t be posting this if there wasn’t anything new to add to the game’s visuals. There is about 15 seconds of content that we haven’t seen before in the video. Not a huge deal, but it is new and lets me talk about more on The Evil Within. Like we are the only ones who make a big story about a little thing though.

I hope that we are not going to only be getting little snippets like this moving forward to E3 for The Evil Within though. It looks spectacular and full of fright just as Outlast has been. In any instance, here is the video and now we play the waiting game for anything else of more substance. Are you as excited as I am?

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