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Look Behind The Curtain Of Twin Mirror With The Latest Production Vlog

Look Behind The Curtain Of Twin Mirror With The Latest Production Vlog

Twin Mirror

The first behind the scenes video for Twin Mirror is here and it tries to give us a bit more insight on what Twin Mirror will actually hold for us

If you were confused about Twin Mirror when the first trailer dropped during E3 this year, get ready for even less clarification as we now have the first developer update or behind-the-scenes. Whichever you wish to take it as. Anyways, DontNod has put together a new look at their title that they have Bandai Namco publishing that seemed to be a weird blending of their other titles into one nice one. Twin Mirror will have the dialog and action progression that we have seen before as well as a focus on investigation; another bit that we have just recently seen. All so we can progress through this “book” that will have “multiple endings.” I know. It sounds weird.

Take all of that as you will for Twin Mirror as that is how the developer has put it out there thus far. The thing that is most interesting to me here is the fact that the goal is to have the game’s choices mirror closer to our own we would make and not trying to figure out how the character would or should react. That seems like something that would be hard to program for, but that is about what they are stating in the following Vlog update. Have a look for yourself and see if this makes more or less sense of Twin Mirror for you. It is at least something to try to make more sense of.

Twin Mirror — Production Vlog #0

Go behind the scenes on Twin Mirror with Oskar Guilbert, CEO of DontNod Entertainment, to discover more about the game’s story and characters in the town of Bassword, West Virginia.

Does this all make more sense to you for Twin Mirror or was it just poor wording based on what we will actually get for the game? Do you think that it will be closer to us playing as ourselves in this new role or will we still go back to figuring out what the character should do instead? Do you think that DontNod is trying to incorporate some of the big changes we have been seeing in games like this or will it all be something truly new and unseen before? Let us have all of those thoughts and feelings down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we have more to share for Twin Mirror, we will share it. Just stick close to the site to be able to see it all.

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