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Have A Look At Who Is Going To Make Lego Batman 3 Sound Amazing

Have A Look At Who Is Going To Make Lego Batman 3 Sound Amazing

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

A new trailer out of SDCC for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham shows off the voice actors of the game

If you didn’t know by now, LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is being slated as having the largest cast of characters from the DC Universe. I had the pleasure of seeing a good chunk of these characters at SDCC last week, look forward to a hands on article, but if you don’t want to wait you can get a glimpse at a bunch of the characters and those who voice them in the below trailer. You also get to hear a bit on what the actors thought about LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham too; this includes an appearance from Adam West.

See all of this from LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham reminds me of the old days when the LEGO games were all voiced in grunts and mumbles. A lot like all the adults in the Peanuts cartoons. You remember that right? Now we get the full voice as well as the gestures to bring the humor. Be honest too, that is the real part we love about all of these LEGO games as well as what will be coming in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. Don’t deny it or you’ll have to run around with a bomb above your head for five minutes.

You don’t have to take my word for it though. Here is what you get to look forward to in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. I am so very excited for the game after seeing it all and that is not just me being a DC or LEGO fan talking here.