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Looks Like Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster Is Rumor No More

Looks Like Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster Is Rumor No More

Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster

It has been confirmed that Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster is coming and being produced by much of the original team who made Resident Evil 0

Do you remember way back near the end of last year when a few screenshots popped up and brought the rumor that Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster was on the way? Pepperidge Farm remembers and so should you as it turns out that the “leaked” image was none other than real. Yes, it has been confirmed that Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster is in the pipes and coming out in early 2016 for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. Looks like that cover up that Capcom didn’t try to had for was all for naught as we kind of new it was coming and now we have a better grasp and knowledge that Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster is indeed a thing. More zombie and horror for the world!

Not only is there the news that Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster is coming but the original director for the game is leading the charge here to make sure fans are not let down here. Given the fact that the Resident Evil HD REmaster that came out earlier this year sold over a million copies for the next gen consoles it makes perfect sense that they would want to milk the nostalgia and bring the title to a new market. I guess not really milking as they are just giving us all what we have proven we want over a Resident Evil 7 or another spinoff. Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster it is then!

Just to further put the rumor to rest here is what we all now know about Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster and a look at the “passing of the green herb” ceremony for you to see. More news and footage of course are to come as we have just about a year to wait for Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster now.

Capcom Confirms Resident Evil 0 – Series Origins Story to be Remastered for New Platforms

Earlier today at an event in Japan, Capcom confirmed Resident Evil 0, a remastered version of the popular prequel to the original title in the Resident Evil series, is currently in development. The game is planned for release on PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC in early 2016.

Original Resident Evil 0 Director Koji Oda and additional staff are returning for the development of this new remastered version. Capcom will be sharing more information on the title in the coming weeks.

A new video message from Director Koji Oda and Producer Tsukasa Takenaka about the project can be viewed on the official Resident Evil YouTube page now.

Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster — A message from the Producers of Resident Evil

So is Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster just what you wanted? Are you constantly on the lookout to keep playing the older titles on the newer consoles or platforms that they have yet to grace? Would you rather have had a full on Resident Evil 7 announcement over this or will Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster keep you held over until they funds are in to give us all a proper sequel and continuance to the franchise? Let us know down in the comments and as always keep your eyes locked here for any and all updated for Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster as they will be pouring in soon-ish.

Resident Evil 0 HD REmaster

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