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MADiSON VR Has Launched And Now The Demons Walk Among Us

MADiSON VR Has Launched And Now The Demons Walk Among Us


MADiSON is back in action with the launch of MADiSON VR out there in the world now

The horrors of MADiSON VR are now ready for us all to have in our hands, eyes, and minds as of right now. After a long wait and many playing the base version of the game, Bloodious Games and Perp Games have finally been able to bring this version of the game to PC VR headsets and the PSVR2 headsets out there. For those who might be brave enough to wander the world of MADiSON one more time but in a much more immersive setting. It will be time to let the demon come right up to you and see what you might be hiding. That or you scream and take the headset right off and go seek some therapy from the experience. Wherever you might be on that spectrum.

As of right now, MADiSON VR is being listed as one of the scariest games ever, which makes it even more tempting to play. Even if the core game and this following trailer make it feel like it will rely on the normal horror tropes with jump scares everywhere in the game. I know it is much more than that, but it is weird that is what is used to push this version more. Especially when they could have gone in on the immersion, lighting, and sound design for MADiSON to bring the terror a bit more in the VR setting. Have a look at this new trailer or just download the game on your platform of choice to see if it lives up to the hype that has been built so far. Just do not take the screaming “influencers” as the main source of all of that, though.

MADiSON VR — Launch Trailer

The scariest games ever (Science of Scare project) is out now on VR. Play if you dare!

Are you going to give this version of MADiSON a go or will you be sitting this one out once more? Do you think there will be something deeper used for the horror or will it still be more of the weird and jump scares to drive this all forward? Would you want a game like this to be more immersive in the world or will VR be the best stopping point for all of this? Head down to the comment section to discuss it all and let the world know what is on your mind about all of this. There is going to be more for MADiSON VR in the future, I have a feeling, so please come on back to the site often to see and hear about all of that. I do not think you will be let down by any of it.

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