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Mai Is Kicking Us All In The Face With New Updates For Street Fighter 6

Mai Is Kicking Us All In The Face With New Updates For Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6

The next fighter for Street Fighter 6 is here with Mai bringing more than just some new moves into Street Fighter 6 with the update

The next wave of fighters for Street Fighter 6 are flowing out there with Mai joining the ranks of it all today, February 5th, on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via some new DLC. A character that many knew was on the way but also looks to be bringing a few other things to the game too. Not just in the way of cosmetics and such, but with Capcom offering up other updates to the game in the mix too. So many things are here for Street Fighter 6 in addition to the fun bit of DLC that those who have paid in for it will be able to have. That all said, let us dig into what you can now play around with on your systems if you have it all ready to download.

We have a fun look at Mai in action in Street Fighter 6 just a little lower, but it is worth noting all of the other quality-of-life and various other things that are coming with this update. Things like new ranks and rewards for hitting that Master Rank out there. There is also the chance to fight Professor Woshige’s V-Rival until March 5th. All with more things rounding out the Combo Trials and Character Guides in Street Fighter 6 too. A whole lot as we carry into year two of the Character Pass for the game. You can now have a look at everything that is out there as soon as you are done reading all of the words on this page. If you have not just jumped on down to it all in the first place anyway.

Street Fighter 6 — Mai Gameplay

Mai from Fatal Fury promises to warm you up when she bounces in to Street Fighter 6 on February 5. Don’t keep her waiting or she’ll use her ninja trickery on you.

Mai can be purchased individually with Fighter Coins and the owners of the Year 2 Character Pass / Ultimate Pass will automatically get access to Mai when she releases.

Play the Mai Update now to prove you’re her biggest fan in Street Fighter 6!

  • 👊 Play Mai’s Combo Trials and Character Guide
  • 🕺 Fight Professor Woshige’s V-Rival until 3/5
  • 🌐 New Ranks and Rewards for Master Rank
  • 👍 …and more quality of life improvements!

Is this the character you have been waiting for in Street Fighter 6 or just another to play around with for you? Do you want other things to get some massive updates out there or are you fine with what they are slowly putting out there? How long will we need to wait until the next big push of updates comes and will it be timed with a character release too? Fight it all out in the comment section below and give us all of those thoughts about it as soon as you feel like discussing. We are going to have a lot more for Street Fighter 6, so you will want to keep on checking the site and our socials to be able to keep up on all of that. Is it really that bad to have one more notification in the mix of all of the others…?

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