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Mario Vs. Donkey Kong Launches With Much More Than Told

Mario Vs. Donkey Kong Launches With Much More Than Told

Mario Vs. Donkey Kong

The launch of Mario Vs. Donkey Kong is finally here and we can place these two frenemies against each other with Mario on top

Here we go with the launch of Mario Vs. Donkey Kong on the Switch and a whole lot more to look at for those who have been waiting for that to finally get here. The more of it all and not just the game. That is why, I am guessing, that Nintendo has a nice little bit of gameplay and fun to share with us all to get ready to place Donkey Kong against Mario one more time in one of those classic trials and tribulations we know them, all from. That and drop a nice little demo to get fans further excited and ready to play the game if they were still holding out for some reason. Today is the day to try to make the choice and go one way or the other.

Just as with many launches out there, here we have a new launch trailer for Mario Vs. Donkey Kong to better sell us all on what is coming in the game. A whole lot of things where it all feels like an infomercial more than anything. On the good and bad side of all of that. At least there are supposed to be all manner of hidden surprises in the mix as we head out to see if these two are truly trying to end each other or just have a bit of friendly fun for our amusement. Knowing how Mario games usually go, my guess is that it will truly be on the family fun more than the trying to end each other in horrible ways out there. All with the fun platforming and puzzle-solving we have been shown for the game up to now. Go ahead and give that demo a try if you are curious about any of this now.

Mario Vs. Donkey Kong — Friends Or Foes?

Mario and Donkey Kong’s rivalry has been years in the making! These friends (or enemies?!) collide in Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, out now on Nintendo Switch!

Mario Vs. Donkey Kong — Launch Trailer

The Mario Vs. Donkey Kong game for the Nintendo Switch system is chock-full of enemies, obstacles, and other surprises, but wait… there’s more! Put your reflexes and your wits to the test and discover all this game has to offer TODAY! But wait… a free demo is also available on Nintendo eShop!

I am glad to see that Nintendo is going with the demo thing for Mario Vs. Donkey Kong and not just the cheesy marketing for the game. While that is all fun, I know I was a bit lost with what the game was actually going to give us today. Now, I will be diving into that demo to see if I am going to be dropping the extra money and time for Mario Vs. Donkey Kong. Given that I am not the biggest fan of the Switch or the games exclusive to it, things like this should be the norm to get me to not only get back on the device but maybe put the time and effort into the games. It is a much better strategy than just hyping us with videos that are unclear as to what is actually going on.

Are you going to be joining Mario and friends in this title or will it be a pass for you? Will you be giving the demo at least a try out there or will that be a bit too much of an ask at this point? Should more games lean into a good demo of the game over the bloated marketing or will the trailers be the best way to get us to pay up for games no matter what? Head on into the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else you may have on your mind for it. Please come on back to see and hear about more for Mario Vs. Donkey Kong and many other titles that we still have to launch out there in the future. The lists are always growing out there.

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