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Martha Is Dead Is Creeping Out On Us All Early Next Year

Martha Is Dead Is Creeping Out On Us All Early Next Year

Martha Is Dead

Martha Is Dead has a final release dates set along with a showing of some new tech used for Martha Is Dead

The date is set and we will get to experience Martha Is Dead early in 2022 now. We did not have a solid release date before now, but LKA is ready to give us a date to look forward to. That date is now set for February 24th for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. The first-person thriller is shaping up and we will soon get to learn the mysteries within Martha Is Dead. Great news and one more horror style game for the month in the mix. It will be a packed month then, but I am here for most of all of that for now. Even if it is still a bit of a wait for us to go.

In addition to the release date for Martha Is Dead, we have a new teaser that is just as cryptic as we have had before now. The bigger difference over the past videos is that we do get to see some of the new gaming technology out there with the Metahuman software in the Unreal 4 engine. This is the one that allows it to be a bit easier for developers to get realistic looking humans in their titles and it looks like Martha Is Dead is taking all of that with some great strides. Even if the details are still fuzzy on what is going on in the game here. Just the way a great thriller should be to keep us all on our toes for the launch. Have a look and get ready for a bit of a wait.

Martha Is Dead — Release Date

Martha Is Dead is a first-person psychological thriller, set in 1944 Italy, launching on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and the Xbox family of devices on 24th February 2022 – developed by LKA.

Uncover a dark multi-layered narrative that blurs the lines between reality, superstition, and the tragedy of war, explore a stunning recreation of the Italian countryside, and take photographs as you look for clues to discover the truth about what happened to Martha!

Were you still hoping that Martha Is Dead was going to launch this year or does this all make sense for us to wait for now? How do you feel about the new visuals that we have here and do you think the Metahuman will only improve all of our games moving forward? What do you think is truly going on in the game or will that only be revealed once the game is officially launched out there? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. We will keep the news for Martha Is Dead coming at you, so be sure to keep checking in for all of that. I know we will have a whole lot more.

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