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Marvel Heroes Omega Has A New Name & Is Also Heading To Consoles Soon

Marvel Heroes Omega Has A New Name & Is Also Heading To Consoles Soon

Marvel Heroes Omega

The PC MMO title Marvel Heroes has been renamed to Marvel Heroes Omega and is heading to our consoles soon and for the low price of free

If you put on your “Way-Back Hat” or have been playing Marvel Heroes for a while now, then you are most likely fully aware on what this game is all about. It is an action-oriented, MMO RPG that Gazillion and Secret Identity Studios put together for us that let us play out the exploits of our favorite Marvel characters in their universe. Some mixed into the current cinematic one and others from the pages of the comics. It has been updated over the last few years and gaining new names as it has changed, but now it is here for 2017 named Marvel Heroes Omega and it is expanding like the Marvel universe and now heading to the PS4 and Xbox One this Spring.

If you have yet to experience the game before Marvel Heroes Omega, then let me give you the gist. You are placed in the comic universe as one of your favorite characters, over 100 at this point if memory serves, and then head out by yourself or with a team to stop the horrors that the villains of the world are trying to cause. All of which over a nine-chapter narrative which ends in an opening of the rest of the Marvel universe for you to explore or replay. More or less it is like the Ultimate Alliance games with an on-going story, a lot more characters, and the ability to play online with others and not just on the couch fighting over who gets the rewards.

Marvel Heroes Omega — PS4 & Xbox One Announcement

On behalf of everyone at Gazillion, I’m excited to share news that we’re bringing Marvel Heroes Omega to PS4 and Xbox One this spring. So what is Marvel Heroes Omega? Marvel Heroes Omega doesn’t really fall into typical genre categories. It draws inspiration from both action-RPGs and MMOs, making it a truly unique blend of non-stop action and near limitless progression!

If you’ve got a favorite Marvel Super Hero, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to play as him or her in Marvel Heroes Omega. It’s got one of the largest rosters of playable Heroes that pulls from all corners of the Marvel Universe. Play as Spider-Man, the Avengers, the Defenders, the Inhumans, the X-Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and so many more!

Lovers of lore can also expect a fantastic tour through famous locations, from the dark streets of Hell’s Kitchen to the mystical realm of Asgard. The nine-chapter story campaign will also find players facing off against some of Marvel’s most infamous Super Villains, including Doctor Doom and the trickster god Loki. But finishing the story is really just the beginning! Like many great online games, we think Marvel Heroes Omega is best played with others – and players can look forward to joining forces with fellow Super Heroes in the game’s many Headquarter areas to tackle the game’s most challenging end-game content.

For a current gen game, Marvel Heroes Omega looks like it is a remaster more than a new version of the game from Gazillion. Some slack is given here as it is a hard task to keep all of the characters functioning in the game and also keeping up with the other versions of them in the greater scheme of things. I know they don’t have to stay up with the films and shows, but it certainly looks like they are doing it. Doing it and giving it to us for the low price of free-to-play. Which of course means micro-transactions for those who haven’t experienced Marvel Heroes before now. Pretty standard but of course things could be different now that they are heading to the consoles.

Did you ever get into Marvel Heroes before now or does this version make you want to take the leap? Do you think that we will ever see a full update on the character models and designs or is it too much given the sheer number of heroes we will get to play? How do you think that the micro-transactions will play over or will they stay as they are for the PC version? Let’s discuss and comment down below. As more for Marvel Heroes Omega is announced though, including the closed beta for the new platforms, we will have the details here. Keep an eye on the site so you are not left out of all the fun.

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