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Marvel Rivals Takes Into The Intergalactic Empire Of Wakanda

Marvel Rivals Takes Into The Intergalactic Empire Of Wakanda

A new map for Marvel Rivals is shown off as we get to see a bit of the roadmap and explanation of how the seasons of Marvel Rivals will flow

The news for Marvel Rivals keeps on building as we get closer to the December 6th release of the game on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. An amazing thing as the game has done well so far in the betas and NetEase Games has been trying to make sure all of that momentum keeps on flowing forward. This time with a look at a new map coming Marvel Rivals at the launch of it all and then a look at how the game is going to keep on adding content as the months flow on. Also with a look at some of the stories, 33 launch heroes, how they will handle monetization, and all of the other things gamers are generally worried about before placing any time or money into a game that is like this one. Let us have a look at it all now.

To kick things off for all of these updates for Marvel Rivals, we get a solid little flythrough of the lands of Wakanda. Well, more the Wakanda that is out there if they opted to head into the intergalactic realm of things instead of staying isolationist in the first place. They were the country in the world that did have the resources and knowledge to do all of that, and here we get to see that play out a bit. All while giving us a map for Marvel Rivals that does feel like it blends the two concepts as well as leans into all of the source materials out there. There is not much in the way of actual gameplay and the goals we will need to achieve on the maps, but it is something to look at as we wait just a bit longer for the game’s launch.

Marvel Rivals — Intergalactic Empire Of Wakanda: Star Rising

From a single Vibranium meteorite, Wakanda rose to greatness. Now, at the heart of the galaxy, they’ve uncovered the homeland of that very mound.

But no matter how far its technology advances, Wakanda’s strength will always be its people.

🐆 Get ready to play Marvel Rivals on the newest map, the Intergalactic Empire Of Wakanda, on December 6th and experience breathtaking views from the heart of the empire. Wakanda Forever! 🙅‍

Those who need more for Marvel Rivals, can now take a look at the first main developer diary we have to offer up for the game. A diary where the Creative Director of the game dives into how we have one more launch character that will somehow link to The Hulk on the way. At least as it comes to the launch characters, as we will have Season Zero of the content have only those but when Season One kicks off in January, and then a new season every 3 months, we will get the roster expanded with playable characters, maps, and story missions to explore out there. All for the low price of free. That does mean that Marvel Rivals will be monetizing some things out there to keep the servers running and, as you might have guessed, it will be all of the crazy cosmetics we can place on the characters in the matches. For those who truly need to stand out and not just enjoy a solid character build.

Marvel Rivals — Dev Vision Vol. 1

In the first Marvel Rivals: Dev Vision, NetEase Games’ Creative Director, Guangguang, shares details about the Seasonal Roadmap, Monetization, Servers, and much more as we approach the official launch on December 6th.

The inaugural season, Dooms’ Rise, will feature all-new content for an incredible one-month experience at launch!

Are you excited to Ignite the Battle?

Are you glad to see that Marvel Rivals is still leaning into the free-to-play aspect of things or would you rather have one solid price and not the random cosmetic packs? Will the team be able to stick to their three-month cycle or will we see hiccups along the way in the year? Do you think that the next character will be Hawkeye, as rumored, or will it be something different to build into the Hulk? Fight it all out in the comment section below and give us all of those thoughts. We are going to have much more for Marvel Rivals, so please keep on checking back on the site for all of those updates and much, much more. I am sure you will have a lot of fun with all of it as the team here has had up to now.

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