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Marvel’s Iron Man VR Will Be Taking To The Skies Later Now

Marvel’s Iron Man VR Will Be Taking To The Skies Later Now

Marvel’s Iron Man VR

The release date for Marvel’s Iron Man VR is now set in May as a delay has hit this title too and pushing our Iron Man dreams out further

It looks like more time is going to be needed for Marvel’s Iron Man VR, as we have one more title to add to the pile of delays this week. So many delays and so many shifted timelines that are going to be difficult to be able to keep on top of all of them moving forward. For a little bit at the very least. Nonetheless, Camouflaj has made the official announcement that Marvel’s Iron Man VR will now be hitting the PSVR on May 15th now instead of February 28th as before. This is why I would prefer them all to just wait until there is like 90% of the game complete before giving us a date.

As for the reasons given, it looks like expectations were set high by the Iron Man fans as well as the developer and the game was just not there yet. If I had to make a guess, I would say that the flight was still not as intuitive as they were aiming for. It was fairly solid when I had a chance to experience it back in the Summer of last year, but it was not perfect. This is one of the bigger Iron Man aspects the team was going for and it looks like they are choosing to take the time to make sure it is perfect before we get it. I will take it as long as it truly does lead to a better experience at the end of the day. I guess we will see this May.

Marvel’s Iron Man VR — Story Trailer

Are you upset that Marvel’s Iron Man VR is now pushed out by a few more months or did you have a feeling it was going to happen? What aspects of the game do you think were not up to snuff for them all or do you think I have nailed it here? Does this even matter for you as you are still not fully in on the VR side of gaming as of yet? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. When we have more for Marvel’s Iron Man VR, we will share it all here. Be sure to keep flying by to see and hear all of that.

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