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Marvel’s Midnight Suns Heading To Us Later In 2022 Now

Marvel’s Midnight Suns Heading To Us Later In 2022 Now

Marvel’s Midnight Suns

A new delay for Marvel’s Midnight Suns has been announced with Midnight Suns now eyeing a longer window until we get to play it

I hope that you did not have your heart set on playing Marvel’s Midnight Suns this coming Spring, as you are going to be in for a level of heartbreak here. It looks like the game will no longer be making that release window and Firaxis Games has pushed it out. In fact, it looks like those looking to play Midnight Suns in 2022 might have to wait close to a year now with the current delay placing it in the second half of 2022 now. That is quite a delay we are going to have for it all, but it does sound like we will have something to show for it all at the end of the development cycle. Beyond having a functional game, that is.

The reasons for this delay for Midnight Suns sounds fairly similar to all of the other delays we have out there in terms of polish and everything. The interesting things to note, though, is that the extra months will also let the team add more content into the game through extra story and cinematics. Maybe even a few more characters that we might not have seen yet for the Midnight Suns roster could be part of that. While the delay does put a damper on plans, it is always good to see that it should lead to not only a better game, but also more of the game to enjoy. None of which should be scoffed at. Have a look at the official announcement just below to see the finer details.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns — The Hunter & Wolverine Vs Sabretooth

Marvel’s Midnight Suns — Delayed

Did you have your heart set on playing Midnight Suns in the Spring of 2022 or will it work better to come out closer to the Fall given the themes involved? Do you think we will have a larger roster from all of this or will it be what we have seen so far and the delay will not give us more there? Could they be obfuscating the fact that there could be issues with the card system as it is now and will it be the same that we have seen in the end? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to do so. We will keep sharing what we can for Marvel’s Midnight Suns, so keep checking back in here for it all.

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