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Meet And Learn More About Conrad In Man Of Medan

Meet And Learn More About Conrad In Man Of Medan

Man Of Medan

A new interview for Man Of Medan shows off the character that Shawn Ashmore is playing in Man Of Medan and a bit on what to expect

Time for some ‘shocking’ news for Man Of Medan, as it looks like we are getting some other celebrity chops added into the mix here with Shawn Ashmore and his character Conrad. Not the biggest of shocks here as Supermassive Games has done things like this in the past with their other titles. They are going for some realism in their games so why not bring over an actor that can add their likeness to Man Of Medan as well as their voice. Until Dawn did the same and now we have another to look toward and get a bit excited for. If you like having bigger actors in your video games at least.

All of that aside, here we have a new interview with Mr. Ashmore on his character Conrad and what we can expect from him in Man Of Medan. The short answer, he is kind of a dick. Just the kind of character you will want to root for to have a painful death in a horror game like this. Something I have a feeling happens earlier than later in Man Of Medan given how he starts to focus more on Brad in the interview instead of his own character. Maybe this is to not sound full of himself or maybe it is to obfuscate the fact that his is one of the earlier deaths we have to try to avoid. All speculation for now and I am glad to see he is back in it with another big video game.

Man Of Medan — Who Is Conrad?

Just who is Conrad? Shawn Ashmore talks about his role in Man Of Medan with Part 1 of this exclusive interview.

What do you think about Conrad in Man Of Medan as it all stands here? Do you like the look and feel for the character or will he be on your dead pool from the start of the game? Do you find it odd that there is more focus on a different character here or is that me grasping at things that are just not there? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we have more for Man Of Medan, we will share it all here. Keep on trekking back in to see and hear all of it.

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