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Meet Another New Enemy For GTFO Just Before E3

Meet Another New Enemy For GTFO Just Before E3


A few new screenshots for GTFO have popped up just before E3 and they show off more of GTFO as well as a new enemy to track us down

Here we go with another title jumping the E3 gun here with GTFO showing us all a little more for the game just before it has a larger showing out at the event itself. My guess is that 10 Chambers Collective did not want to have all of those who could not make it out to see the first demo of the game to feel left out at all. That is why we are here right now with a few new screenshots for GTFO today and a very small amount of new information. So, maybe they did not jump the gun as much as they wanted to give a tease out there for something only a select few will get to see live. Nonetheless, we have more to see for the game right now, so I will not harp on it much more.

As you will see, we have more of the four-player Co-Op gameplay going on here for GTFO. All in the weird and dark horror setting of space and with our “heroes” not looking to be doing so well out there. They could be doing well, it is hard to tell, but they are out there shooting and surviving as we will need to do in the game. They are also facing off with a new enemy that has yet to be seen for GTFO. An enemy that has some jellyfish-style feelers to help them hunt down players in the world. There is no true sign or word on if they will act like real-world feelers and also be able to deliver a nice “shock” as well, but we will get all of that news next week after all of the teasing is done.

Are you properly teased for GTFO with these new images or will it take some new gameplay to lock that in? What do you think of the new enemy that is shown here and will it work better than a floating jellyfish in the end? Do you suspect it will also be able to shock us with these feelers or will it just be something we and our team will have to avoid while searching for goods on the ship? Feel free to give us all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. We will have more for GTFO soon and when we have it, we will place it up on the site for you. Just be sure to keep checking in to see it all.

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