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Meet Charlotte And Kevin Coming To The Trials Of Mana

Meet Charlotte And Kevin Coming To The Trials Of Mana

Trials Of Mana

Two more characters have a spotlight for Trials Of Mana as we wait for the final release of Trials Of Mana this coming April

Say hello to two more characters for Trials Of Mana just before the April 24th release date of the game. Okay, maybe not right before, but there are two more characters we will get to know in the game and Square Enix has offered up this fun little trailer to look at for the game before we play on the PS4 and Switch. Even if this does not look like it will be a game for all, it is worth taking note and getting the information out there so that we might be able to get other titles in the mix of it all. You might even get your interest piqued for Trials Of Mana based on all of this too. It is why we do what we do here.

I do have to say that I am not a fan of the voice work for Charlotte here in Trials Of Mana and it is a huge turn off from the game in general. Maybe it is just because I am not a fan of the dumb baby talk to make someone seem more innocent than they actually are. I just know that it is going to grind on my nerves when playing Trials Of Mana that I will most likely need to go silent and just have the subtitles to understand what is going on. Have a look and listen to the new trailer here and get a feel for just what I am talking about. Maybe it is your jam or maybe it is not.

Trials Of Mana — Character Spotlight Trailer: Charlotte & Kevin

Square Enix today gave players a look at two more of the six heroes from the highly anticipated Trials Of Mana, which is slated for release on April 24, 2020. In the video, players will be introduced to Kevin, heir to the throne of the Beast Kingdom of Ferolia, and Charlotte, granddaughter to Wendel’s Priest of Light, a curious, superstitious scaredy-cat on a mission to protect her friend. Each character in Trials Of Mana features unique gameplay and different experiences for players as they adventure through the magical, fantasy world of Mana.

Trials Of Mana tells the story of six heroes as they battle against the forces of evil that threaten a world where Mana has been weakened. Players will craft varying experiences by selecting a party of three from these unique characters as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime to protect the very essence of Mana itself. Originally released in Japan as Seiken Densetsu 3 in 1995, Trials Of Mana is a full, high-definition remake of the third entry in the classic Mana series, seamlessly bringing the beloved story and characters to a new, modern era of fans with real-time combat, beautiful 3D graphics and updated gameplay.

Are you ready for Trials Of Mana to finally come at you or do you still need more to sell you on the game? Do you agree on the voice here or is it something that you will be able to get behind in the longer run? Will you be able to make it through the game or will you need to go silent like I will to be able to get past it all? Let us all know down in the comments. If there is more for Trials Of Mana, it will be added to the site here. We will keep it all flowing out there for you, so keep a close eye.

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