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Meet The Demons Of DOOM’s Hell That Are Ready To Slay

Meet The Demons Of DOOM’s Hell That Are Ready To Slay


On the heels of DOOM’s multiplayer modes announcement we now have a look at the playable demons coming to DOOM in said multiplayer

Here we go with yet another look at DOOM and its upcoming multiplayer. This time we have a good look at the demons that id Software have crafted for us to ruthlessly slaughter each other with in the game. Also some of those cool power ups and weapons that the non-demons in the game would be using to stay alive. If there wasn’t some kind of balance to DOOM and its demons there would be no point to not play a demon after all. Bethesda knows this and so do we.

While playing DOOM‘s multiplayer we will have access to four different demon types with their own style of play. There is the brute type demon, the agile and fast one, the sneaky one, and the tank. Obviously not a literal tank but a slow and beefy character that can soak up a lot of damage while dealing out the same amount. Pretty standard for games nowadays and each one looks to fill the role. As long as the players can unlock them and get their own tactics to match up to the demon of choice.

DOOM — Demons, Power Weapons & Power-Ups


  • Baron Of Hell — When you need to overpower other players, the Baron of Hell’s brute strength is unmatched. The Baron is perfect for those who want to rush right into the fray, dishing out the pain with vicious melee attacks and brutal Glory Kills. And if you ever find yourself surrounded as a Baron? Use your ground pound to damage a group of foes.
  • Revenant — With its speed and agility, the Revenant is all about outmaneuvering its foes and then overwhelming them with its deadly dual missile launchers. While the Revenant can’t glide through an entire map, it can fly for short periods thanks to its jetpack, allowing it to leap over gaps, hover past hazards and deal damage from above the fray – making its explosive missiles even more powerful thanks to any potential splash damage.
  • Prowler — Just like its name suggests, this multiplayer-exclusive demon is great for tactical players who like to lurk in the shadows and ambush enemies before retreating back to safety. The Prowler can leap to most surfaces, jumping from high-point to high-point, getting into position and waiting for the right moment to ambush an unsuspecting foe. Capable of killing a marine in a single blow, the Prowler can see enemies even through walls, allowing it to set up its attacks and execute its kills with deadly precision.
  • Mancubus — As slow and shambling as it looks, the Mancubus is a portly powerhouse who can crush its foes with its long-range rockets while soaking up damage thanks to its high health. Its rocket barrage isn’t the most accurate – but when you want to clear out an area, these arcing explosive shots can do the job like nothing else. The Mancubus also has a powerful, short-range area-of-effect venting attack that builds up from the heat generated when he fires his rockets; if he doesn’t vent, he risks overheating – but when he does vent, the Mancubus can destroy anyone foolish enough to get too close.

As it comes to the power ups and weapons in DOOM‘s multiplayer they are also pretty much the standard fare we could think of. Currently listed for power ups we have Invisibility, Haste, Regeneration, and Quad Damage. All of which do exactly as the names state. The same goes for DOOM‘s powerful weapons coming along. The Chainsaw and BFG 9000 are just as any DOOM fan would expect. Then there is the Gauss Cannon that “fires speedy slugs that can go the distance – and blow through multiple foes without any loss in power.”

This is pretty much the list as it goes but hopefully we will see all of this expanded out after DOOM launches on May 13th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Bethesda may only be showing us what we will be seeing in the beta that is upcoming for now so we could be in for some surprises. Then again, the way games are made now, I wouldn’t be surprised to see updates and DLC that further expand the multiplayer options post launch.

What do you think about the demons coming for DOOM? Does everything here seem very standard as FPS multiplayer games go or do they feel truly unique to you? Do you think this is just the limits for the beta or is this all we are going to get until further down the road post-launch? Let us know what you are thinking in the comments below. For more on DOOM and all of its aspects be sure to stay right here so you don’t miss out on a single thing.

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