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Meet The Enemy Of My Enemy In Overkill’s The Walking Dead

Meet The Enemy Of My Enemy In Overkill’s The Walking Dead

Overkill’s The Walking Dead

The next DLC for Overkill’s The Walking Dead is here and it gives us more story and a new level to explore in this version of The Walking Dead

While some of us are still waiting on that PS4 or Xbox One version of Overkill’s The Walking Dead, those PC fans are still getting more DLC to play and enjoy. Yes, the next episode of that is out there from Starbreeze and Overkill to enjoy as you are reading this. Consider this your reminder that there is still more to come and enjoy with this game no matter what some thought at launch. More so as this one brings even more story to the world of The Walking Dead here as well as a new location to explore and fight for. One that would have been coveted before the fall of humanity as we all currently know it. If these worlds were the same and all that…

In the new DLC, Enemy Of My Enemy we get to explore the new Appletown Organic supermarket where we could have found food and supplies in general. Now it is overrun with Walkers and the Brigade in normal style for The Walking Dead. Something we will all hopefully make quick work of so we can keep our people up and running as best that we can. You know, because factioning off and not helping each other in these massive events is how we should all react. We do not need to make The Walking Dead a documentary all as we can use it as a guide on how not to act. Just to throw all of that out there for those doomsday preppers that could still be reading here.

Overkill’s The Walking Dead — Enemy Of My Enemy

Enemy of the Enemy is Episode 3 of Season 2 of Overkill’s The Walking Dead and contains a whole new level to explore. A clue at the gas station points toward Appletown Organic — a wholesome supermarket where walkers and the Brigade fill the aisles.

Are you ready for some more action in The Walking Dead or have you moved on to other games out there? Are you glad to see that the DLC is still coming even though other fans have to still wait for the game to drop on their selected platform? How many more episodes do you think we will truly get out there for the game and will they continue this same style of progression? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and discuss. When we have more for Overkill’s The Walking Dead, we will share it all here. We will not horde it to ourselves at all. All you have to do is swing by and check it all out on the site.

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