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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From All Your Game Devs

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From All Your Game Devs

We’ve collected some of the random virtual Christmas Cards and holiday well wishes from developers and publishers for you

Ho ho homicide has to have been one of the best Christmas greetings I have yet to see from a video game studio or publisher this holiday season and I’ve seen quite a few over the last few days. Tis the season that all of those who make our favorite form of media to try and give back to all of those who keep their families fed. Or at least try to for those who are most likely going to cry and whine to their parents if they didn’t get the latest Blizzard expansion or the pre-orders for all of those games coming out next year. But there I go being a Grinch and proclaiming bah humbug. Christmas is not my kind of season.

None the less I have taken it upon myself to collect all of these well wishes and Christmas greetings from all of your developers for you to look through and see who really care. This is not a full list, or at least I hope it isn’t as there are many not represented here but maybe I’ll get around to updating as more flow in. Who knows? I am still busting my ass to entertain and give you something to read during these holidays so there is my gift to you.

Here you go with all of those virtual Christmas and holiday cards.

Of course some studios and publishers won’t be out done by others as Christmas is the season to see who can buy your affection more. Here are some of the other more interactive and animated greetings out there. This includes a whole website from Warner Bros. dedicated to making sure you know they want you to think they care about your Christmas. Not that they want you to buy all of their games to have under the tree or Festivus pole. My inner Grinch keeps popping up so I’ll leave you with all of this for now.

Styx: Master Of Shadows — Styxmas Trailer


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