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Metal Gear Survive Has Some New Gameplay To Show Us Were The Game Is

Metal Gear Survive Has Some New Gameplay To Show Us Were The Game Is

Metal Gear Survive

Three new gameplay clips for Metal Gear Survive have dropped to show us just a little bit more for Metal Gear Survive before February

It is time for another reminder that Metal Gear Survive is coming to us all on February 22nd for the PS4 and Xbox One. This time it is a few little gameplay clips that have worked their way out there to give us a sign of where the game is currently in the hands of Konami. TGS did give us our last big showing of it all and now we get three little clips of Metal Gear Survive to get us ready for it all. Or ready to ignore it all depending on your stance for everything that was going on here. Nonetheless, here we go with some of the new footage that gives a bit more of an insight into the game.

The first video here looks to show off a bit of the training area for Metal Gear Survive as well as the multiplayer hub we will be hanging out in while we wait for matches. At least that is the look of things here as it is a generic VR Trials kind of set up where some or all players can perform all the different actions they can in the full match. It is a bit odd that it requires all of the players to move to a specific ring in the area to indicate they are ready to get in on everything. More or less, a poor design choice if it sticks and is the way to kick things off in Metal Gear Survive as I can see players trolling just for fun if it requires everyone to run to a loading circle.

Metal Gear Survive — Vlog 001

The next two videos we have here shows off some of the core gameplay for Metal Gear Survive as they hunt down and take out some of the “zombies” in the world and set up barricades to keep them all out and away from the bases. Or just to keep things funneled into a specific location so the players do not get overwhelmed. Not that it looks like that will be too big of an issue as all of these creatures look to be insanely dumb as they cannot walk around a small little blockade that is in there way and just stand there to die. I am not sure how much fun that will be in the long run, but you can see how that all plays out down below as well. If anything, it looks like Konami may have a lot more to do before launch.

Metal Gear Survive — Vlog 002

Metal Gear Survive — Vlog 003

How do you feel about Metal Gear Survive after seeing these latest teaser videos for the game? Do you agree that it looks weird to have the open area for a waiting room or will there be something mixed in to hinder trolls from letting matches start? Does it look like the AI is subpar here or could that just be how those lower level minions are designed? Let us have all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we learn more for Metal Gear Survive, you will learn more. At least if you stick around on the site here and keep checking back in.

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