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Metal: Hellsinger Is Going To Make Us Wait A Bit Longer To Headbang

Metal: Hellsinger Is Going To Make Us Wait A Bit Longer To Headbang

Metal: Hellsinger

A delay has hit Metal: Hellsinger here with Hellsinger now pushed out until next year for us to enjoy

This week has been filled with so many delays and here we go with one more, as Metal: Hellsinger will not be coming out in 2021 now. It will now be coming to us in 2022 with The Outsiders taking their time to hit the expectations of the game that we have had up to now. This seems to be the case for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC versions of it all. So, at least everyone will have to wait a bit longer for Metal: Hellsinger to have us thrashing out there and slaying to the intense beats of the music in the game. One that seems to keep bringing us more artists to enjoy along the way.

Beyond all of that reasoning, there is not much else given to the reason for the delay for Metal: Hellsinger. If I had to make a guess, I would assume it is to better sync up the action to the tracks that are getting mixed in for the game. Even the gameplay here from last year make is feel like things were still not perfect, and I have a feeling that is going to be the hardest part of it all. Given that each level will have its own track in Hellsinger, it will be something that will stand out if it does not flow perfectly. Have a look at that just below and see what I mean as we wait for it to finally launch out there.

Metal: Hellsinger — Gameplay Music Video

Originally set to launch in 2021, Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm FPS in which you blast your way through Hell to the headbanging vocals of artists such as Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy), Tatiana Shmayluk (Jinjer), and Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquillity). Now developer The Outsiders and publisher Funcom have decided to move the release to 2022 in order to meet the high expectations for the game.

First announced in June 2020, Metal: Hellsinger immediately caught the imagination of gamers and pundits. It features an immersive and innovative way of incorporating music in games, through the use of layered tracks. Each level has its own song, and every song is divided into multiple layers. Your performance impacts how many layers of the song will be played at a time, starting with atmospheric background music, and ending with powerful metal anthems.

The Metal: Hellsinger development team consists of people with an incredible track record of creating blockbuster FPS hits and is spearheaded by Executive Producer Shila Vikström and Creative Director David Goldfarb. An industry veteran with a history of FPS success, Goldfarb was Lead Designer of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3, as well as Game Director of Payday 2.

Metal: Hellsinger will release on PC and next-generation PlayStation and Xbox.

Have you been looking forward to Metal: Hellsinger before now and will the wait be worth it all? Do you agree that the syncing will be the biggest hurdler for the game or will it be something different to keep the wait going? Do you think we will have some other artists mixed in soon or will that be kept a secret leading up to launch? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on Metal: Hellsinger, keep checking in here for all of that and much more. It will be a heavy good time for us to experience here.

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